2025 Town of Alden Trash & Recycling Services
Waste Management/Town of Alden Recycling Guidelines
Properly Managing Your Yard Waste (Erie County Brochure)
2025 Bulk Item Pickup Schedule
- Week of January 26
- Week of April 27
- Week of July 27
- Week of October 26
- Please note the following:
- The Refuse carts are Town-owned and will belong to the address. They must stay with the address if you move. ALL of your weekly garbage must be placed in this cart. No garbage bags or other cans or containers will be picked up. Those multi-Unit homes or businesses that are in the garbage district will receive 1 cart for each garbage unit paid, (i.e. a two family house is charged for two garbage units on its taxes and receives 2 carts). If you have a rare scenario where you end up with more garbage than will fit in the cart, you can purchase a “bag” tag at the Town Hall at the Town’s cost of $5 each prior to your collection that week. The collection will be mechanized so no additional separate bags will be picked up UNLESS the bag has a bag tag on it.
- All recyclables should be placed in the recycle cart on a bi-weekly basis as per schedule. The carts should be placed with the metal rods facing outwards both carts have arrows showing how it should be placed at the edge of the road/driveway.
- BULKY ITEMS will be picked up QUARTERLY (4 times per year) and will be limited to 10 items per unit per quarter. No construction debris should be put out as it will not be taken. Bulky Wastes are such things as furniture, carpeting and other large or dense materials that may be disposed of in a sanitary landfill. White goods include such items as refrigerators, stoves, dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers, hot water heaters and furnaces. No item that contains refrigerant will be acceptable unless it has a certification attached to it indicating that the refrigerant has been removed. No electronics can be placed out for regular or bulky collection.
- The Town has a recycling program for electronics at the Town Hall. A maximum of 3 TV’s per year for each address is allowed. Only Town of Alden residents can utilize this recycling program as it is Town of Alden taxpayer funded.
The Town of Alden provides free electronics recycling for Town of Alden residents only {Village of Alden residents must contact the Village of Alden Public Works Department} and is subject to the following guidelines:
- The electronic equipment must be brought to the Town Hall only during regular business on Tuesday and Thursday during the hours of 9:00 a.m. to Noon.
Acceptable items include:
- Computers (Desktops & Laptops)
- Industrial Controls
- Printers (Ink or Toner)
- Ink/Toner Cartridges
- Computer Accessories (Mice, Keyboards, Webcams, Speakers, Microphones, etc)
- Computer Monitors (CRT, LCD, LED)
- Televisions (CRT, Projection, LCD, LED, Plasma)
- Microwave Ovens (Non PCB)
- Copiers/Fax Machines
- Typewriters
- Telephones
- Cell Phones & Chargers
- GPS Units
- Pagers
- PDA's
- Tablets
- Answering Machines
- MP3 Players
- Scanners
- Radios/Boomboxes/CD Players, etc
- Storage Devices (External Hard Drives, Solid State Drives, SD Cards, Memory Cards, Card Readers, etc)
- Audio Equipment (Speakers, Microphones, DJ Equipment, Recievers, Recording Devices, Headphones, etc)
- Video Equipment (Cameras, Video Cameras, Web Cams, Recording Devices, etc.)
- Communications Equipment
- Medical Testing Equipment
- Laboratory Equipment
- Circuit Boards
- Cables, Wires, Power Cords, Power Strips
- Most home appliances (no refridgerators)
- Re-charable Dry Cell batteries (Nickle Cadium - NiCad, Nickel Metal Hydride - NiMH, Lithium Ion - Li-Ion)
- Anything else with a circuit board or a cord!
- Absolutely no other items are to be left.
Additionally, the follow materials are NOT appropriate for recycling:
- Devices containing liquid mercury (thermostats, switches, medical devices, thermometers)
- Freon containing devices/materials (refridgerators, air conditioners, de-humidifiers)
- CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) TVs & Monitors that do not contain the outer casing
- Household hazardous waste materials
- Materials containing liquids
- Yard equipment
- Gas powered equipment
- Items leaking fluid
- Radioactive materials
- PCB containing materials
- Large appliances (Stoves, washers, dryers, dishwashers
- Dry Cell Batteries (Absolyte, alkaline, Mercury, Zinc Air with Mercury, Lithium Primary, Lithium Thionyl, Chloride, Button Cells, Lead Acid Gel)
- Wet Cell Batteries (Zinc Air, Zinc Air with Mercury, Nickel Iron, Nickle Cadmium)
- CDs, DVDs, VHS tapes, and Cassette Tapes
- Please note that this program costs Town Taxpayers money. Costs to the Town go up as the year progresses so the earlier in this year that you recycle, the cheaper the program will cost.
FAQ/Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I dispose of a microwave?
Waste Management will take microwaves in recycling. Refrigerators, freezers etc. must be tagged by a certified dealer that the Freon was removed before putting out for disposal.
Where do I take my old TV set?
If you are a town resident you may bring them to the Town Hall, 3311 Wende Road, during normal business hours. If you live in the village of Alden, you may take them to the DPW Barn located at 13395 Railroad Street. You will need to bring ID for confirmation of residency.
Where do I take old tires?
Most stores that sell them will take old tires for a fee. Contact your local tire store for more information.
What do I do with old paint?
Dry it out before you throw it away. Wet latex paint can be hazardous, so dry it up. If there's only a small amount of paint in the bottom of your can, leaving it out in the sun should do the trick. If there's a bit more than the sun can handle, try adding kitty litter or newspaper to help soak up the paint and speed the drying process.
How do I dispose of batteries?
Alkaline Batteries are safe to dispose of in your trash. More information on batteries is available through the Earth 911 website.
How do I dispose of Pharmaceutical Waste?
ANY unwanted or expired prescription or over-the-counter medications, syringes, liquids, ointments, patches, etc. can be brought to the Alden Town Hall. We are open M-F 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
*Erie County provides multiple Household Hazardous Waste Collection Days each spring. For information about the next event, please call Erie County Dept. of Environment & Planning at (716) 858-6800 or visit their website