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Alden Historical Society



Alden Historical Society
13213 Broadway
Alden, NY 14004
(716) 937-3700

The Alden Historical Society was formed in 1965 by a group of citizens interested in preserving, presenting and promoting the history of the Town of Alden and its people.  In 1966, Walden Roberts presented to the town the gift of his late uncle’s home at 13213 Broadway to be used by the Historical Society.  The gift was given in memory of Frances Roberts, wife of Walden, and a charter member of the society.

The collecting of artifacts and important documents began in earnest and displays were created.  Today’s visitors to the newly named Alden Heritage Center can see how Aldenites lived, worked and played, from the Studebaker buggy on the front porch to the toys and tools in the attic room.  Of special interest are the displays of Black Water Bath artifacts and photos, Neeland’s Dairy and Bennett Manufacturing items, and the Webster Collection of projectile points.  The Heritage Center is open to visitors on the first and third Saturdays of the month, 11 am to 1 pm, April through December.  Private or group tours may be arranged by leaving a message at (716) 937-3700 or by contacting

The Society also maintains the 1850s Henskee Road Schoolhouse located in the Alden Town Memorial Park.  The school is open during special community events and also for private or group tours by using the contact information above.

Programs on a variety of historical topics are offered to the public on the second Thursday of the month, September through June.  The programs are usually held in the Alden Community Center at 13116 Main Street.  Check the Alden Advertiser, our website or our Facebook page for information about upcoming programs.

New members are always welcome.  Your support and effort will ensure that the history of Alden and its people will continue to be preserved, presented and promoted.  Annual dues are $12 per person, $20 per couple, $25 per family and $50 per business.  For more information, see the Society's web site at

For more membership information contact the Membership Chairperson at (716) 937-3700.

Henskee Road Schoolhouse

Henskee Road Schoolhouse

With the shutters open and simulated candles in the windows, the little schoolhouse looked awake and inviting to visitors to come and see a bit of local history.  Inside is laid-out with desks, slate boards, a  pot-bellied stove, and pictures of George and Martha  Washington and Abraham Lincoln


Trustees & Officers


President: Sue Galbraith
Vice President: Christopher Gust
Secretary: Sue Schumacher
Treasurer: Sue DeWitt
Curator: Kris Rogers
Archivist: Karen Muchow
Alden Village Historian:  Karen Muchow
Alden Town Historian: Karen Muchow
Society Historian: Jennifer Strong
Alden Town Board Liaisons: Councilwoman Gwendolyn Bork & Councilman John Cieszki


Carol Battista
Jane Burke
Kyle Kavanagh
Sue Dewitt
Sue Galbraith
Christopher Gust
Gregory Kent
Renee Nelson
Terri Retzlaff
David Henry
Sue Schumacher

Website:  Alden Historical Society

Facebook Page: Alden Historical Society


