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Zoning Board of Appeals

The Zoning Board of Appeals is a quasi-judicial body comprised of local citizens appointed by the Alden Town Board. The function of the Board is to hear appeals and grant relief from the strict application of the Town of Alden zoning regulations.

Town of Alden Zoning Code

The ZBA hears two types of appeals:

  1. Interpretations– wherein the appealing party claims that the Code Enforcement Officer's decision was wrong, that the officer misapplied the zoning regulations in regard to the matter at issue.
  2. Variance– the individual who has been denied a permit or one who has been served with some sort of enforcement action by the Code Enforcement Officer can only make this appeal. There are two types of these variances.
    • a. Area Variance – this variance is concerned with dimensional, bulk and or density restrictions.
    • b. Use Variance – an authorization by the ZBA for the owner to use their property in a manner not allowed by the use regulations in the Alden Zoning Code applicable to the property in question.

In order to file an appeal a decision must have been issued by the Town of Alden Code Enforcement Office. An application for relief may be filed by anyone who becomes "aggrieved" by the decision of the enforcement office. Appeal applications are available in the Zoning Office and should be filed with the Alden Town Clerk.

Zoning Board of Appeals {each member serves a 5 year term}

Member Term Expires
Sue Galbraith, Chairwoman December 2025
Jeff Kurek, Member December 2026
Susanne Galbraith, Member December 2025
Mandy Szymanski, Member December 2026
William Kissell, Member December 2025
Sarah Hinsken, Member December 2027
Jamie J. Rapini, Secretary December 2024