Pursuant to New York State Penal Law § 400.00(19), all applicants for a New York State Concealed Carry Pistol Permit must complete a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of in-person live curriculum firearm safety training and two (2) hours of live-fire range training course. All Erie County residents wishing to apply for a New York State Concealed Carry Pistol Permit will be required to submit an Offical Certification of Completion of Training Form with their application. This Certification of Completion must have a valid Liber and Page listed from an approved Duly Authorized Instructor in Erie County Clerk's Office or it will be deemed unacceptable.
The list of individuals below have been deemed approved as Duly Authorized Instructors, by the Licensing Officer in Erie County and have requested to be listed below. This list is not limited to or an endorsement of any particular instructor by the Erie County Clerk's Office. It is merely a way for applicants to find approved Duly Authorized Instructors in Erie County.
Instructor | Phone | Website | |
Alpha CCW Training | 585-414-5207 | Training@scsconsultingllc.com | Website |
APS | 716-248-2664 | apsbuffalo@gmail.com | Website |
Armstrongs Armory | 716-395-6483 | Armstrongsarmory@gmail.com | Website |
Asg Fitness & Outdoor LLC | 716-650-0196 | Asgfitnessandoutdoor@gmail.com | Website |
Ballista Firearms Training | 716-422-0202 | joe@ballistafirearms.com | Website |
Bill Mackey | 716-539-0038 | bill.mackey90@gmail.com | N/A |
Bison Defense, LLC | N/A | info@bisondefense.com | Website |
Bob Florek | 716-364-3131 | osksibs@yahoo.com | N/A |
Bradley Jones | 716-249-2043 | bradjones0155@gmail.com | N/A |
BSI Buffalo, LLC | 888-556-7025 | contact@bsibuffalo.com | Website |
Criminal Justice Professionals Training and Consulting, LLC | 716-322-1994 | jmurphy@criminaljusticeprofessionals.com | Website |
CT Elite Training Center, LLC | 203-509-7695 | pmuscillo@ctelitetrainingcenter.com | Website |
David Knowl / PistolWNY | 716-400-4351 | daveknowl@gmail.com | N/A |
Defensive Response Training | 716-912-2540 | Defensiveresponsetraining@gmail.com | N/A |
Defensor, Inc | 716-228-0906 | Info@defensorinc.com | Website |
Delta Firearms Training | 585-268-7322 | sp32741@yahoo.com | Website |
Dens Gun Shop | 716-331-6755 | densgunshop@aol.com | N/A |
Don’s Security Services, Inc. (DSS) | 716-685-4265 | info@donssecurityservices.com | N/A |
Double Up Tactical | 716-465-4765 | N/A | N/A |
Douglas Boris -Firearms Instruction | N/A | dboris158@gmail.com | N/A |
Final Stop Security Inc | 716-768-2485 | jlfinalstop@aol.com | N/A |
Firearms and Safety Training | 716-587-1844 | Fastwny@gmail.com | Website |
Firearms Training FYSA, LLC | 716-553-3108 | info@1fysa.com | Website |
Firearms Training of WNY | 716-903-2558 | info@ftwny.com | Website |
Firelink EPS | 716-697-3367 | FirelinkEPS@Gmail.com | Website |
Forseti Protection Group | N/A | info@forsetiprotection.com | Website |
Hammer Down Firearms Training | 585-340-7525 | hammerdownfirearmstraining@gmail.com | Website |
High Caliber Services, LLC | 716-462-0482 | Highcaliber716@gmail.com | Website |
Iron Sight Firearms Training | 716-316-6114 | info@ironsightllc.com | Website |
Jaye Pratt | N/A | jaye2425@gmail.com | N/A |
Joseph A. Carriero | 716-877-6829 | joespaninigrill@yahoo.com | N/A |
Kevin R Pontlitz Sr | 716-864-4438 | kevpontlitz@gmail.com | N/A |
LGSNY INC/LiVecchi's Gun Sales | N/A | LGSNY@netzero.net | Website |
Louis Spacone | 716-930-2175 | spacone44@gmail.com | N/A |
Majeed Guns & Firearms School | 203-887-8368 | danielmmajeed@gmail.com | Website |
Michael A Foti | 716-864-5897 | wpdid410@gmail.com | Website |
Michael E. Muroff Firearm Training | 716-553-6431 | nyfirearmtraining@gmail.com | Website |
Michael Rehberg | 585-406-6758 | rpdllctraining@gmail.com | Website |
Mike's Firearms Training | 716-622-8389 | Support@Mikesfirearmstraining.com | Website |
No Paces Safety Club | 716-770-5054 | NoPacesSafetyClub@gmail.com | Website |
Pistol Permit Courses of WNY | 716-622-4759 | permitwny@gmail.com | Website |
Public Safety and Education (PS&Ed) | 315-567-9268 | info@psandEd.com | Website |
Ready On The Firing Line, LLC | N/A | readyonthefiringlinellc@gmail.com | Website |
Robert E Garneir ll | 716-874-9519 | bungiejr@aol.com | N/A |
Robert Erhardt | 716-907-3774 | Rerhardt326@gmail.com | N/A |
Rochester Personal Defense | 585-406-6758 | info@safeinrochester.com | Website |
Rochester Personal Defense, LLC | 585-406-6758 | rpdllctraining@safeinrochester.com | Website |
Roger Thompson | 585-205-0172 | kaizencourierservice@gmail.com | N/A |
Schifano’s Firearm Training Center | 716-598-9411 | Schifano.Firearm@gmail.com | Website |
Sheepdog Kombatives, LLC | 703-774-6722 | SheepDogKombatives@GMAIL.COM | Website |
Shoot Smart Safely | 716-800-9446 | Al@shootsmartsafely.com | Website |
Shooters Ready Training | 716-830-3101 | N/A | N/A |
Smoke Creek Tactical | 716-799-1818 | SmokeCreekTactical@gmail.com | Website |
Southern Tier Precision | 315-727-7973 | Kenn.burdick@gmail.com | Website |
Sugarbush Armory | 585-708-4348 | sales@sugarbusharmory.com | Website |
The Firing Pin LLC | 585-494-0333 | info@thefiringpinny.com | Website |
The Law Of The Land | 716-314-3074 | ECKVidya1970@gmail.com | N/A |
Thomas M Sumera | 716-445-0785 | shabota@roadrunner.com | N/A |
Thomas Weisbeck | 716-523-2758 | tweisbeck@rochester.rr.com | N/A |
Tioga County Sportsmen's Association | 607-259-6241 | agfsolnllc@gmail.com | Website |
Wilderness Bound, LLC | 716-860-7918 | wildernessbound@hotmail.com | N/A |
William Chapman | 716-912-5080 | wfchapman1@gmail.com | N/A |
WNY Security Pros | 716-603-0388 | service@wnysecuritypros.com | Website |
Wolcott Guns Inc. | 716-901-7807 | wolcottgunsincweb@gmail.com | Website |
Yanys Johnson | 716-544-9025 | training9491instructor@yahoo.com | N/A |