In February 2023 new garbage totes were distributed throughout the town and village. Questions asked are:
What happens if my cart is broken?
Please call the highway garage at 542-5412 to report a broken cart. They will take your name, address and phone number and add you to a list of issues to address.
What if I want a 2nd cart?
We ask that you please take a few weeks to see if the new cart satisfies your households needs for garbage disposal. If after that time period you still feel you need an additional tote, you can request an additional tote but you will also get charged for a secondary annual refuse fee on your parcel (currently $214.80 per year for 2025) as per the town and village contract with Modern.
Recycling Cart charges: 96-gal cart - $70.00, 65-gal cart - $60.00, 35-gal cart - $55.00 (to be purchased at the Town Hall for village AND town residents)
Refuse Cart charges: Additional trash bins can be obtained through your municipality by adding annual charges to your town/county tax bill for the town or monthly billing for the village (town residents at the Town Hall, village residents at the Village Hall). Please note that a pro-rated amount may be due.
The new cart is too big for our household. Can I switch for a smaller one?
At some point in the future you will be able to switch the larger 95 gal. carts out for a 64 gal. cart but that will not be for several weeks. Please use the current cart you are given until such a time when we can offer a size trade to residents.
New Rules to remember
If it fits in the cart, put it in the cart! Household trash must be in bags, but other large trash items can be put in the cart as well. If it fits, put it in! Items placed outside the cart will not be picked up unless it is a bulky item pickup week!
**Starting in 2023 there will be many changes in the refuse and recycling contract with Modern.
- NEW blue garbage totes have been delivered to every residence and will be required to be used by all residences! The new 1 man garbage trucks will begin pick ups with the new armed trucks beginning after May 1st.
- Also, bulky items will now only be picked up twice per month, not every week. Please check the new calendar when it comes out to see which weeks are Bulky Item weeks!**
For More information on the following, click on the item
- Refuse
- Recycling
- 2025 Refuse & Recycling Calendar - Please note that Bulk Collection is now on Week A - Red (instead of Week B - Blue previously)
The Town-Village Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics and Shred-it event for 2024 will be held on Sat., May 18th. The event is held at the Joint Municipal Facility from 9:00am-12:00pm.