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Zoning Board

ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS        (Town Board Appointed - 5 yr.)  
William Kaufman - Chairman 12/31/2029
Adam Burg   12/31/2028
Joshua Kraft  12/31/2025
Fred Pask 12/31/2026
Vicki Lombard 12/31/2027
Rebecca Baker (Alternate) 12/31/2025
vacant (Alternate) 12/31/2028

The Newstead Town Board has adopted a detailed zoning code including RA, R1, R2, R3, C2, I2 and MHP zones in an attempt to protect all residents while still providing an opportunity for individuality. Any changes to the code requires a public hearing where the residents have input. Items that are regulated by the zoning code may be varied through the appeals process.  An Overlay Zone has been adopted on Route 5 to ensure the best possible development for the Town of Newstead.

BEFORE you purchase property, modify any property or begin construction, please contact our office for specific information.

MEETINGS: The Zoning Board of Appeals meets the third Thursday of the month when action is required.  An application must be completed, including a fee paid (see Fee Schedule link above), to the building department no later than 10 days before the meeting date.


  • minimum lot size in the RA zone: 150’ x 300' which equals 45,000 square feet (not including the right-of-way)
  • minimum home size: single family – 1,000 square feet
    two-family – 750 square feet per unit

One and Two Family homes or townhouses are regulated under the New York State Residential Code.