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Planning Board

PLANNING BOARD         (Town Board Appointed 7 yr.)  
Tom Cowan - Chairman 12/31/2031
Donald Hoefler    12/31/2025
Andrew Kelkenberg   12/31/2027
Terry Janicz   12/31/2028
John Potera   12/31/2030
John Olaf   12/31/2026
Erik Polkowski   12/31/2029
Christine Falkowski- Alternate 12/31/2031
Jacob Halleck- Alternate 12/31/2031

The Planning Board typically meets twice a month on Monday evenings. Meetings are subject to change or cancellation for which proper notice will be given. Complete applications must be received by the Planning/Building Dept. 30 days before the meeting date in order to be placed on the agenda.

2025 Meeting Date Schedule


Commercial Construction

  • All commercial construction over 750 square feet requires planning board approval. Site plan packets are available to assist you through the process.
  • In order to be placed on the planning board agenda for a pre-application conference, a letter of intent, proof or ownership, updated property survey and proof that taxes are paid to date must be provided.
  • The planning board will review your project, make recommendations, provide a checklist for the site plan, and a copy of the Route 5 Overlay Zone requirements, if applicable.
  • 10 hardcopies of the completed site plan packet PLUS a .pdf of the complete packet must be provided in order to be placed on the agenda for site plan review.  (the .pdf can be emailed to Julie Brady, Planning Board Clerk
  • Site plan fee must be paid prior to the planning board meeting (see site plan application for applicable fees)
  • After final review, the Planning Board will recommend approval to the Town Board.

Site Plan Application   

Fee Calculation form

Subdivision of Property  (Application)

Newstead's code regarding subdivision is specific. Any lot divided, which creates one or more new lots must have Planning Board approval and a public hearing held. A major subdivision is the creation of five or more lots (original lot + four or more new lots) and will be recommended to the Town Board for public hearing and to begin the SEQR process. An updated survey, showing the dimensions of the new lot(s) including a drainage plan showing existing and proposed elevations must accompany an application. Fees are listed in the Fee Schedule in the right hand menu above.  Failure to receive subdivision approval prior to creating a new lot will result in a penalty of $500.  The subdivision plat must be filed at Erie County prior to a deed transfer or building permit being approved.