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The following individuals currently have outstanding warrants with the Erie County Sheriff’s Office. If you know their whereabouts, contact the Erie County Sheriff’s Office at (716) 858-2903. Any information you report will be kept confidential. DO NOT attempt to apprehend any subject yourself.

The Erie County Sheriff’s Office makes reasonable efforts to monitor and update warrant information on a regular basis. If you believe an entry is outdated or incorrect, please contact the Warrant Office at (716) 858-3287 between the hours of 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Information compiled on this list may not be used to harass or threaten wanted persons or their families. Anyone who uses this information to commit a criminal act against another person is subject to criminal prosecution under New York State law.

Photo Name Last Known Address Individual Description Date Received Sort ascending Warrant Number Reason for Warrant
FerdinandRoman Roman, Ferdinand 64 Center Street
Buffalo, NY 14218

Hispanic Male

5'9" 160 lbs

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

25-003062 Criminal Sale of Narcotics; Possession of Dangerous Contraband in Prison; Conspiracy; Contraband Given to Prisoners
JohnathanMayback Mayback, Johnathan 46 Egan St #4
Lackawanna, NY 14218

White Male

5'9" 160 lbs

Brown Hair

Hazel Eyes

25-003063 Petit Larceny
JenniferBabcock Babcock, Jennifer 13050 Big Tree Road
Wales, NY 14052

White Female

5'1" 106 lbs

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

25-003050 Assault; Criminal Mischief
JanaiceClark Clark, Janaice 86 Donovan Drive
Apt C
Buffalo, NY 14211

Black Female

5'1" 225 lbs

Brown Eyes

Black Hair

25-003059 Petit Larceny
MatthewSchroeder Schroeder, Matthew 184 Esser Ave
Buffalo, NY 14207

White Male

5'9" 172 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

25-003049 Violation of Probation: Possession of Sexual Performances by a Child
RasharJones Jones, Rashar 43 Lang Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215

Black Male

6'1" 210 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

25-003047 Grand Larceny 3
AndreCanty Canty, Andre 762 Beach Road
Cheektowaga, NY 14225

Black Male

5'6" 180 lbs

Brown Eyes

24-003016 Petit Larceny
AntonioPace Pace, Antonio 45 Cluster Street
Buffalo, NY 14214

Black Male

6' 160 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-003007 Criminal Possession of a Weapon
NathanielKing King, Nathaniel 36 Burnie Lane
Buffalo, NY 14203

Black Male

5'7" 140 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-003003 Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance; Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle; Operation of a Motor Vehicle without Insurance, Inspection and Registration; No Seat Belt;
ZacharyWhitmer Whitmer, Zachary 1124 College Ave
Niagara Falls, NY 14305

White Male

6'3" 210 lbs

Brown Hair

Blue Eyes

24-002996 DWI: Speeding; Moved From Lane Unsafely
CassandraMillan Millan, Cassandra 109 Buffalo Street N #13
Springville, NY 14141

Hispanic Female

5'4" 235 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002995 Criminal Mischief/Intent to Damage Property; Falsely Reporting a Crime
ErinOConnor OConnor, Erin 87 Burgard Place
Buffalo, NY 14211

White Female

5'3" 145 lbs

Brown Hair

Blue Eyes

24-003001 Conceal/Alter/Destroy Evidence; Criminal Use of Drug Paraphernalia; Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance; Aggravated Unlicensed Operation of a Motor Vehicle; License Restriction Violation; Operation of a MV without Registration
VondaleWalker Walker, Vondale 6594 Dysinger Road
Lockport, NY 14094

Black Male

5'6" 150 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002966 Possession of Dangerous Contraband in Prison; Conceal/Alter/Destroy Physical Evidence
ShahirMcCoy McCoy, Shahir 146 N Franklin
Wilmington, DE 19805

Black Male

5'6" 155 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

25-003051 Criminal Possession of Stolen Property: Vehicle; Criminal Impersonation
GiannaGates Gates, Gianna 713 Main Street
Dunkirk, NY 14048

White Female

5'4" 212 lbs

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002976/24-003010 Petit Larceny (2 counts)
DionnaSnow Snow, Dionna 377 Westfield Street
Rochester, NY 14619

Black Female

5'6" 180 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002955 Petit Larceny; Criminal Possession of Stolen Property; Operation of a Motor Vehicle by an Unlicensed Driver
KevinJetter Jetter, Kevin 118 Ruhland Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14211

Black Male

5'7" 150 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002948 Possession of a Forged Instrument; Grand Larceny
BradleyWindnagle Windnagle, Bradley 23 St. Anthony Street
Lancaster, NY 14086

White Male

5'6" 160 lbs

Gray Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002940 Grand Larceny 3: Possession of a Forged Instrument
LenaJindra Jindra, Lena 415 Marilla Street, upper
Buffalo, NY 14220

White Female

5'6" 132 lbs

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002912 Petit Larceny
DaleMiller Miller, Dale 30 N Beaver Street
Dunkirk, NY 14048

White Male

5'10" 285 lbs

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002926 Criminal Possession of Stolen Property: Credit Card
DeannaSeibert Seibert, Deanna 394 Hudson Street
Buffalo, NY 14201

White Female

5'3" 120 lbs

Brown Hair

Hazel Eyes

24-002924 Prostitution
MohammedAhmed Ahmed, Mohammed 57 Rapin Place
Buffalo, NY 14211

White Male

5'1" 160 lbs

Gray Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002906 Violation of Probation: Sexual Abuse; Unlawful Imprisonment
ChristinaMarrero Marrero, Christina 6 W Courtney Street
Dunkirk, NY 14048

Hispanic Female

5'2" 150 lbs

Brown Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002894 Petit Larceny
KaneCameron Cameron, Kane 77 Armin Place
Buffalo, NY 14210

Black Male

5'5" 155 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002909 Possession of a Forged Instrument; Grand Larceny 4
MoniqueSapp Sapp, Monique 42 South Domedion Street
Buffalo, NY 14211

Black Female

5'7" 183 lbs

Black Hair

Brown Eyes

24-002920 Burglary; Petit Larceny