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Buffalo, NY – Erie County Sheriff John C. Garcia announces the Erie County Sheriff’s Office is participating in Operation Dry Water July 1-3 with enhanced BWI patrols on the area’s waterways. 

As part of a nationally coordinated effort to educate boaters about the dangers of boating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the Erie County Sheriff’s Marine Unit is participating in Operation Dry Water this weekend. This campaign is about heightening awareness and enforcing New York’s BWI laws.

“Our Marine Unit’s goal is to educate boaters about the laws regarding boating under the influence and to help boaters understand the danger of boating impaired,” stated Sheriff Garcia. “However, if my Marine Deputies encounter an impaired vessel operator, that individual will be arrested.” 

The Sheriff’s Office is asking vessel operators not to consume alcohol or use substances that will impair their abilities. Legal and illegal substances impair one’s judgment and reaction time and make operating a vessel dangerous. 

According to 2022 U.S. Coast Guard recreational boating statistics, alcohol use was a factor in approximately 17% of all boating fatalities.

In New York State, if an operator is convicted of a BWI, they will lose their ability to operate and register a vessel. If there is a passenger 15 years old or younger, the individual will face felony charges. 

Sheriff Garcia also urges everyone to wear life jackets.

“Life jackets save lives, so make sure there are enough life jackets on board for everyone.

When it comes to boating deaths, 80% of those victims drowned, and 83% of those victims were not wearing a life vest. These deaths are preventable,” added Sheriff Garcia.

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