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Community Organizations

Akron Alumni Association
PO Pox 92
Akron, New York 14001

Akron Cub Scout Pack 531

Akron Boy Scouts Troop 559

Akron Girl Scouts

Akron Celebration Committee
P.O. Box 16
Akron, NY 14001

Akron Chamber of Commerce
P O Box 248
Akron, New York 14001

Akron Chapter American Red Cross

Akron-Clarence Kiwanis Club

Akron Community Band

Akron Fire Company
1 Main Street
Akron,New York 14001

Akron Fire Co. Ladies Auxiliary
1 Main Street
Akron,New York 14001

Akron-Newstead Food Pantry
4809 S Newstead Rd
Akron,NY 14001

Akron Lady Lions Club

Akron Lions Club
PO Box 102
Akron, NY 14001

Akron Lioness Organization
c/o Debbie Hehnen
5 Shepard Ave.
Akron, NY 14001
(716) 542-2640

Akron Little League Football & Cheer
P.O. Box 44
Akron, NY 14001

Akron Masonic Lodge #527
63 John Street
Akron, NY 14001
(716) 542-5620

Akron Soccer League
P.O. Box 94
Akron, NY 14001

Akron Sports, Inc. (Baseball)
P.O. Box 13
Akron, NY 14001

American Legion L.L. Tllman Post #900
9 Eckerson Avenue
Akron, NY 14001
(716) 542-4206

Friends of the Library

Newstead Fire Company
5691 Cummings Rd.
Akron, New York 14001
(716) 542-5337

Newstead Fire Company Auxiliary
5691 Cummings Rd.
Akron, New York 14001

Newstead Historical Society
P.O. Box 222
Akron, NY 14001
(716) 542-7022

Newstead Recreation Department

Newstead Senior Center

Odd Fellows - Akron Clarence Lodge 715

Rotary Club of Akron Newstead
PO Box 300
Akron, NY 14001

Tender Paws Pet Food Pantry

Tonawanda Indian Community House
372 Bloomingdale
Akron, New York