Chair: Michael H. Kooshoian
Chair of Legislature: Timothy J. Meyers
Vice-Chair: John A. Bargnesi, Jr.
Jeanne M. Vinal
Christopher D. Greene
John J. Mills
Agenda for Meeting No. 3 – March 6, 2025 – 10:45 AM
1. |
Session 9 |
LORIGO “The Tax Dollar Disclosure Act” |
2. |
Session 9 |
LORIGO “The Meetings Transparency Act” |
3. |
Session 16 |
COMPTROLLER “Comptroller's Office Review of Capital Project Spending Resolutions & Requests” |
4. |
Session 17 |
BASKIN & MEYERS “Adjusting from the Income Limits for an Erie County Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption” |
5. |
Session 19 |
BASKIN & GREENE “A Request For The New Highmark Stadium Erie County Hospitality Center Policy Plans” |
6. |
Session 23 |
DUPRE “Erie County Urban Initiative Program” |
7. |
Session 3 |
COUNTY CLERK “Resolution Calling for Amendment of Erie County Tax Act” |
8. |
Session 4 |
LORIGO & GILMOUR “The Meetings Transparency Act” |
9. |
Session 4 |
MINORITY CAUCUS “Discussion Request Regarding COMM. 3E-10” |
10. |
Session 4 |
COUNTY EXECUTIVE “Authorization to Contract with the NFTA” |
11. |
Session 4 |
COUNTY CLERK “Amended COMM. 3E-3 Resolution and New Payment Plan Resolution” |
12. |
Session 4 |
COMPTROLLER “2025 Consolidated Bond Resolution” |
13. |
Session 4 |
DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES “Open Item - Finance & Management Committee” |