(716) 858-8400
Since 2020, the Erie County Comptroller’s Office has offered entities conducting work for the County with the opportunity to be paid via automated clearing house (ACH) bank payment, instead of via paper check. This process is convenient, fast and secure. It replaces the existing process where our office prints a paper check and mails it to the vendor via US Mail, who then must take the necessary steps to deposit the funds. There is no cost for participating in the ACH payment process.
If you are interested in being paid via ACH, you can get the form either by emailing our office at ErieCountyAccountsPayable@erie.gov or contacting our office at 716-858-8400 to get an Erie County, New York Vendor ACH Form.
Once the form is completed, it may be emailed to ErieCountyAccountsPayable@erie.gov
Additionally, the completed form can also be mailed back to:
Erie County Comptroller’s Office
Attention: Accounts Payable Unit
95 Franklin Street, Room 1100
Buffalo, New York 14202
Upon receipt of your form, Cindy Arth of our Accounts Payable Unit will call your authorized representative via telephone to validate your request. This is a security step to safeguard your account. We will then start paying you via ACH.
If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Arth or Stephen Dowling of our office at 716-858-8400. Thank you in advance for your consideration and your service to the County.