Budget Schedule/Process:
Supervisor distributes Budget Request Forms to Department Heads.
Budget request forms returned to the Supervisor; Supervisor files the Benefit Basis Budget with the Town Clerk; Town Board sets a Public Hearing for the Fire Company Contracts; Notifications to the Fire Companies of a Public Hearing; Supervisor files the Tentative Budget with the Town Clerk.
Town Clerk presents the Tentative Budget to the Town Board; Town Board meets on the Preliminary budget; Town Clerk submits Legal Notice to the newspaper for the Public Hearings; Town Board sets a Public Hearing for the Preliminary Budget; Public Hearings for the Fire Companies are held; Preliminary Budget filed in the Town Clerk's Office.
Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget and Special Districts; Budget is Adopted and submitted to the Town Clerk and Erie County Finance.
Budget Information
If you have any questions regarding the budget, contact the Town Supervisor's Office at 716-741-8930.