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Planning Board

The Planning Board is an advisory board to the Mayor and Board of Trustees. There are six members of the Board including one alternate member. The Board focuses on many issues that effect the Village and has no elected officials as voting members. Planning Board members are appointed for five-year terms. The Board is independent of any reporting relationship to the Mayor or Board of Trustees, other than financial matters.

Among the issues that come before the Planning Board include long range planning for facilities and services, infrastructure, potential annexation, industrial development, cooperative ventures with other municipalities, and addressing needs and concerns submitted by residents and businesses.

To appear before the Village Planning Board, please contact the Village Clerk to be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. The Board meets when called together by the chairperson on an as needed basis at 6:00 PM.

Current Planning Board appointments for the year [April 2024-March 2025] are as follows.

Chairperson: Brian Murray
Members: Daniel Kowalik
  Gregg Brown
  Todd Glassman
  Jeffrey Cheavacci
  Joseph McDonald
Alternate Mary Jane Shonn