Who can file a small claim in Clarence?
- To file a small claim in the Clarence Justice Court, you must be an individual or DBA. (LLC or Inc. must go to Commercial Small Claims in City of Buffalo).
- The business or person against whom you are bringing the small claim must have a valid mailing address in the Town of Clarence. You cannot use a PO Box address. You must supply the name and exact address of the defendant.
- The claim cannot exceed $3,000. Any claim of $3,000 to $5,000 may be filed in Buffalo City Court.
- The claim must be legible for the court staff to send notice to the defendant.
What are the filing fees for a small claim?
- $10 for claim up to and including $999.
- $15 for claim of $1,000 to $3,000.
How will I know the date and time the small claims hearing is scheduled?
- After filing a small claim, both parties will receive notification by mail of the court date and time. If your claim is settled before your court date, please notify the court in writing.
Mediation services are available at the Center for Resolution and Justice. Your matter may be resolved privately instead of coming to court. Most mediation services are free; others are charged on a sliding scale. Most mediations can be scheduled within two weeks. Main Office: (716) 362-2323 email:mediate@cfsbny.org.
For your convenience, a Guide to Small Claims & Commercial Small Claims in the New York State, City, and Town & Village Courts Handbook is available at: http://nycourts.gov/courthelp//pdfs/SmallClaimsHandbook.pdf.