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Planning & Zoning Department

Planning & Zoning Department
One Town Place
Clarence, NY 14031
PH: (716) 741-8933
FX: (716) 741-8257
HOURS: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Complaint Inbox: If you would like a response, please include your name, e-mail address & phone number

10/28/24 -Eastern Hills Mall Amended Redevelopment Application   

Jonathan C. Bleuer
Director of Community Development

Andrew Schaefer
Junior Planner

Steven Leising
Zoning Inspector

Amy Major
Senior Clerk Typist

The Planning and Zoning Department serves the community by providing current and long-range planning activities as well as administration of all local land use laws. Current planning activities include project reviews to enforce zoning and subdivision regulations on project proposals including environmental reviews under SEQRA. Long-range planning activities include comprehensive plan updates including policy and local law implementation.

The planning office works toward providing a more livable environment for all who work, live, and visit the Town of Clarence. The Town has adopted a comprehensive land use plan in August of 2001 that guides the land use decisions on projects throughout our Town. Also, new subdivision and zoning laws were adopted in 2005 that reinforce the community’s goals stated in the comprehensive plan.

We welcome all those interested in a proposed project or who wish to discuss their vision of the Town of Clarence to stop in our office to see if there is a better way to serve the interests of the Town.



