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Town holds code kickoff meeting

The Town of Clarence has taken the the first step on the multi-year process of updating the town’s zoning and ancillary codes. A kick-off meeting was held at Town Hall on Nov. 14. The session was led by representatives of CPL, the architecture, engineering and planning firm hired by the town to oversee the process. Participants in the initial meeting were Supervisor Patrick Casilio, Town Councilmen Peter DiCostanzo, Robert Geiger, Daniel Michnik, and Paul Shear, along with members of the Town Zoning Board, the Town Planning Board, and town employees. Incoming Councilman Robert Altieri was also present.

According to CPL’s Justin Steinbach, the firm is currently conducting an analysis and assessment in this first phase. The objectives include identifying regulations effectively maintaining the historic and residential quality of the town, preserving existing farmland and open spaces, and reviewing and developing a strategy to make the code more user-friendly. The primary focus of the review is whether the town’s zoning ordinance promotes or acts as a barrier to achieving the land use objectives in Clarence 2030, the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, and other adopted plans posted on the town website.

Supervisor Casilio thanked the participants. “I appreciate the hard work everyone is doing. We have all our departments well represented and their continued dedication makes Clarence a great place to live.”

CPL is now developing a zoning discovery audit which will be posted online in the spring of 2024, followed by a public forum. The second phase will address priority code updates with additional code updates covered in phase three.