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Clarence Conservation Advisory Council details large tree survey

With the help of the town’s residents, the Clarence Conservation Advisory Council is conducting a survey to locate the largest of each of the many species of trees growing in the town.

Trees are to be measured at 4½ feet above grade. The CCAC will calculate the diameter, or “DBH,” and measurements will be confirmed by a member of the council. If you think you have or know of a “Champion Tree” candidate, please contact the Town Planning and Zoning Office by emailing

Please list the location of the tree and contact information. If the tree is not on your property or you do not wish your location to be published, please indicate so.

If you know the history of when the tree was planted and by whom, please include that information. All information collected in this survey will be tallied and kept for historical records. We look forward to hearing from you!

“Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time.” – Katrina Mayer

Source: The Clarence Bee