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Solid Waste - Refuse & Recycling

The Village of Akron contracts with Modern Disposal Services, Inc., to provide Village wide collection and disposal of garbage and related trash.  Modern Disposal Customer Service number 800-662-0012.

The Village has made every effort to provide a comprehensive solid waste service for residents and small businesses that produce the same kind of waste. Services include:

  • Regular Weekly curbside trash pick-up
  • Regular bi-weekly curbside pick-up of recyclables in new recycling containers. Please see the recycling collection calendar and recycling map below
  • NEW* One large/bulky item every other week with regular trash pick-up. (X) Marked on Calendar.  Note: Appliances that have FREON must have it removed by a specialist before placing out for pick-up or call local junk yard for disposal.
  • Regular weekly curbside pick-up of brush and yard waste (April through November)
  • Annual curbside leaf pick-up during October through December.
  • Annual Christmas tree pick-up
  • Special announcements about Solid Waste Services are printed periodically in our local newspapers.

2025 Recycling Collection Calendar

Recycling Map Village of Akron

Recycling Map Town of Newstead - Week A

Recycling Map Town of Newstead - Week B

What Can I Recycle Brochure

New Cart-Based Garbage Collection FAQs

Modern Garbage Totes

The Village of Akron & Town of Newstead provide one (1) free recycling tote to each homeowner. All recycling tote transactions and concerns will be handled by the Newstead Town Clerk at 5 Clarence Center Road, even if you are a resident of the Village of Akron.

If you have built a new home, in the village or the town, there will be no charge for the recycling tote to that homeowner.  The homeowner would have to go to the Newstead Town Clerk's Office and request their free recycling tote.

The cost of an additional recycling tote or to replace a damaged recycling tote will be $70.00 for a 96 gallon recycling tote and $60.00 for a 65 gallon recycling tote.

2025 Refuse, Recycling & Composting Brochure

Proper Disposal of Latex Paint

Erie County Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Program

To obtain Solid Waste Service, or seek answers to any Solid Waste Service billing questions, contact the Village Office at 542-9636.  For more information about Solid Waste Service, or if you have Solid Waste Service problems contact the Superintendent of Public Works at 542-2680.