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Working Families - Data/Indicators

Empower Working Families

Goal 1: Families will have safe, affordable housing.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Percent of Families in Erie County who are Considered Housing Cost Burdened 28.6% 39.2%
Number of Residents in Erie County Discriminated Against When Seeking Housing 213 n/a
Number of New Cases of Elevated Lead Blood Levels of 10mcg/dl or Above 187 n/a

Goal 2: Families will have greater financial security.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Percentage of households in Erie County living at the ALICE level 27.49% 30.81%

Goal 3: Families will have access to quality, affordable childcare.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Number of Child Care Slots 29,495 630,444