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Give Every Child a Chance to Succeed

Goal 1: Children will grow up in a stable, safe, and supportive community.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Children/Youth in Indicated Reports of Abuse and Maltreatment 25.1/1,000 children 17.1/1,000 children
Firearm Related Index Crimes, General Population Crimes 10.1/10,000 population 3.6/10,000 population*

Goal 2: Children will realize their greatest potential.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
3rd Grade English Language Arts (ELA) scores 48% 51%
8th Grade English Language Arts (ELA) scores 40% 48%
3rd Grade Math scores 51% 54%
8th Grade Math scores 22% 30%
High School Dropout Rate 7.1% 6.0%

Goal 3: Children will achieve comprehensive health.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Rate of Children Overweight or Obese 33% 33.8%
Incidence of Preterm Births 10% 9.1%

Empower Working Families

Goal 1: Families will have safe, affordable housing.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Percent of Families in Erie County who are Considered Housing Cost Burdened 28.6% 39.2%
Number of Residents in Erie County Discriminated Against When Seeking Housing 213 n/a
Number of New Cases of Elevated Lead Blood Levels of 10mcg/dl or Above 187 n/a

Goal 2: Families will have greater financial security.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Percentage of households in Erie County living at the ALICE level 27.49% 30.81%

Goal 3: Families will have access to quality, affordable childcare.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Number of Child Care Slots 29,495 630,444

Supporting Our Seniors

Goal 1: Older adults will be able to maintain an active and stimulating social life as they age.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Percent 65 and over with an independent living difficulty 0.137 0.392
60 and over living in the same residence for one year or more 0.945 0.95

Goal 2: Erie County will be accessible to people of all ages.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Miles of Complete Streets in Erie County TBD n/a
Number of facilities built with Universal Design goals TBD n/a

Goal 3: Older adults will be able to maintain financial security throughout their lives.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Number of people over age 60 at or above 150% of the poverty
0.827 0.801