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Older Adults - Data/Indicators

Supporting Our Seniors

Goal 1: Older adults will be able to maintain an active and stimulating social life as they age.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Percent 65 and over with an independent living difficulty   0.137 0.392
60 and over living in the same residence for one year or more   0.945 0.95

Goal 2: Erie County will be accessible to people of all ages.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Miles of Complete Streets in Erie County   TBD n/a
Number of facilities built with Universal Design goals   TBD n/a

Goal 3: Older adults will be able to maintain financial security throughout their lives.

Indicator Goal Erie County Baseline New York State Baseline
Number of people over age 60 at or above 150% of the poverty
  0.827 0.801