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Current Classes


1) Read through the catalog to see what interests you. You can also search for classes below using our search tool. All University Express classes are free and either in-person or virtual using Webex. Some of the in-person classes will be livestreamed on-site and you will be able to log on and watch from home. This is the first time we are offering this option. We ask that you please be patient and understanding if issues arise. Be sure to visit us here regularly for the latest schedule and list of recordings!

2) Register for the classes that interest you.

Virtual Classes: Visit our Virtual Classes page to register for the classes you want to virtually attend. You’ll receive an email confirming your registration status after registering. You can call our office for assistance if you do not have internet access.

In-Person Classes: Call the location where the in-person class is offered and reserve your spot ahead of time. Consider making a lunch or dinner reservation too so you can enjoy our Stay Fit Dining meals either before or after the class! Lunch and dinner reservations must be made at least one week in advance. We will be uploading schedules for each location in the near future! 

3) Make sure you have the right technology. You can access the virtual classes from your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You may also phone in if you’d just like to listen to the presentation. 

4) Participate in the classes you registered for!

Virtual Classes: Once your registration is accepted, you will receive email reminders before the class(es) start that you can join from. 

In-Person Classes: Make sure you called the location ahead of time to register. Be sure to follow all safety guidelines at the location you are attending.