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Legislator Todaro October 2024 Bee column

Election Day is less than three weeks away, and there is a measure on the ballot that has the potential to silence your voice.  Currently, when the Erie County Legislature votes bi-annually to authorize the extension of the 1% and 0.75% sales and compensating tax, a super majority vote of the Legislature is required.  This measure was requested by Erie County Democrats in the 1970s when Republicans were in control.  Republicans agreed back then that a super majority vote would best represent the interests of all Erie County residents.  It was put to a vote and passed overwhelmingly.  Now, a half century later, the same party wants to not only do away with a super majority vote, but they also want to abolish the option of a simple majority vote that would put a referendum before voters. They’re doing this because they don’t want to work across the aisle to negotiate the sales tax, even though when we work together it has produced millions in savings for taxpayers and a reduction to the property tax levy.  For the sake of fair representation and good government, I urge voters to reject this proposal. Don’t let your voice be silenced.

County Executive Mark Poloncarz has just released his proposed spending plan for 2025.  We will take a good, long look at the proposed budget to best protect taxpayers.  The county budget has ballooned under this Administration, and any addition of jobs or programs would be very troubling.  The Administration needs to rein in costs so that future generations aren’t saddled with the exploding costs of county government.

I was pleased to see that the State Supreme Court agrees with our view that moving local elections to even-numbered years is an irresponsible decision laced in politics. The judge ruling on this matter not only pointed out that it is in violation of the state Constitution, but it also would prove detrimental in discussing and raising awareness of local issues that most impact our day to day lives.   Hot button state and federal issues would dominate the discussion, and local candidates trying to get their messages out would struggle to raise needed funds amidst the noise of divisive state and federal topics.

A reminder that there is another local referendum on the ballot for Lancaster voters.  The town is considering borrowing $7.5 million to create a park in town.  Creating that new park would result in a tax increase for Lancaster residents.  An informational meeting to discuss this project further will take place at Town Hall on Monday, October 21 at 5:30pm.

Thank you for the privilege of serving you.  If you have any county related issues, please reach out to my office at 716-681-2071 or by email at
