We are once again hearing of plans by New York City and Albany leaders to shift some of the troubles plaguing New York, sending those issue here to Erie County. In an effort to make room for more self-proclaimed asylum seekers, Mayor Adams wants to send their residents who face eviction, are on welfare, or are otherwise disadvantaged to other parts of the state. Under New York's Right-to-Shelter law, that population receives rent vouchers, often valued at more than $2,000 a month, in line with the cost-of-living in New York City. Mayor Adams wants this population to be able to use these rent vouchers outside of the five boroughs of New York. We've been told by the Erie County Executive that there is an affordable housing crisis in Erie County. Why, then, would we be placing our own residents at a disadvantage, when they can't compete with those coming here with publicly funded rent vouchers worth several thousand dollars? These New York residents would also end up being cared for by Erie County Social Services. We are already listed as one of the poorest communities in the nation. This isn't fair to our own Eerie County citizens looking for affordable housing, and it's not fair to county taxpayers.
Election Day is drawing near, and with that more frustration with Albany's plan to change election cycles by having local elections on the same year as federal and state races. We see the often-heated debate on national and state issues. Those issues then take center stage, and we lose out on giving proper attention to the concerns that hit close to home; local budgets, infrastructure, and other quality-of-life concerns. This is not good government; it is nothing more than a power grab and local communities lose out.
Last year's winter was extremely difficult, and our local farmers faced many challenges, particularly when seven feet of snow fell in a very short period last November. Agri-businesses and farms sustained damage to equipment and greenhouses, some of which insurance won't cover. As a result, two million dollars has been allocated to help those still struggling to recover. Erie County Soil and Water Conservation District is handling applications. To apply go to ecswcd.org.
The Erie County Legislature also unanimously passed a resolution in support of state legislation that places stricter controls on who can purchase agricultural land. As we have seen in the events of these past couple of weeks, the world is a dangerous and uncertain place. In times of crisis, Americans need to be able to access food. If our adversaries were to purchase these agricultural lands, they could make those purchases in order to exert power and influence to the detriment of our own citizens. During times of conflict, it is critically important that our farmers can continue providing food to our citizens.
I would be remiss if i did not mention the horror we all learned about on October 7 in Israel. The brutal attack of the innocent, at a festival or in their homes, is incredibly troubling and disturbing. Those images will stay with me for a long time. My heart aches for those suffering and I hope that peace can one day prevail.