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Legislator Todaro May 2023 Bee column

Earlier this month we cast an important and historic vote in the Legislature when we approved the Buffalo Bills new stadium agreement.  The $1.54 billion investment is massive not only in the cost and size of the project, but also because it will employ so many.  The trades and other professions stand to benefit greatly.  With so many people put to work, our local businesses, restaurants and shops will also feel the impact in a very positive way.  I’m proud that my colleagues and I re-negotiated terms of the agreement with the Administration to pay more of Erie County’s $250 million share in cash, and in doing so saved taxpayers at least $80 million in interest.  Additionally, the stadium’s future maintenance will be the responsibility of New York State and the Buffalo Bills.

A law we proposed earlier this year to provide a property tax exemption for volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers passed in the Legislature.  This is a positive step toward providing some relief for our hero volunteer first responders.  We must continue to look for ways to help them and, in the process, help with recruitment and retention.  I did vote in favor of the funding portion for a paid ambulance service the Administration proposed to help as backup when volunteers can’t respond.  However, I thought it essential to bring all stakeholders to the table to discuss what that would look like.  I believe a substantive conversation is necessary.

Erie County will lose out on between $26.6 million and $41 million dollars this year thanks to the ill-conceived efforts of the Governor to withhold federal assistance meant for local governments to help pay the Medicaid bill.  New York State spends more than any other state in the country on Medicaid, and continues to expand the program.  It’s an unfunded mandate that is a huge burden to county budgets. New York State already has a budget surplus of $8 billion.  Withholding that eFMAP funding is unconscionable.

Having a surplus totaling billions of dollars says that you are overpaying in taxes.  It’s a big reason why so many flee this state.  When Erie County closed the books last month there was a $96 million surplus.  Again, you are paying millions more than it costs to operate county government. 

My district has benefited from the storefront revitalization program.  It’s an important tool to provide small business owners an opportunity to make needed improvements.  So many businesses applied last year that didn’t make the final cut.  Fortunately, we have expanded the program this year with the hope that some of those who didn’t receive grant dollars last round may be considered this time.

I was happy to also secure some funding for organizations in my district that address very important needs; assisting our seniors and our youth, dealing with substance abuse, those celebrating our history, and the P.U.N.T. Pediatric Cancer Collaborative. 

I’m proud to have been named to the SUNY Erie Presidential Search Committee. It’s important we find the right leader to take us into the future.

If you need to reach my office at (716) 681-2071 or by email:

