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Legislator Todaro March 2024 Bee column

The Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations are now over.  Easter and Dyngus Day are just around the corner.  Spring is always a welcome time in western New York, as we know better weather is ahead.

This past month we were reminded how important small businesses are to our local communities. The Village of Lancaster hosted restaurant week, and my office presented proclamations to many of those restaurants in recognition of their quality food, service, and contributions.  We are fortunate to have such a wonderful selection of excellent food establishments.

Spring is road construction season.  Erie County owns 2,400 lane miles, which is more than some small states.  It’s so important to properly maintain these roads for the safety of our residents.  Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz has proposed borrowing $56 million for capital projects that includes roadwork in 2024, one of the largest borrowing proposals in recent memory. This consolidated bond resolution was presented to us at the last minute, without first reaching out to have discussion on the matter.  The Administration should know, based on the past couple of years, that my colleagues and I prefer not to put more on Erie County’s credit card, and pass the interest costs on to you.  There are a number of projects Erie County borrowed money for years ago that have yet to get off the ground.  Taxpayers are paying millions in interest on projects that have yet to see a shovel in the ground.  In addition, Erie County is borrowing $125 million this year for the new stadium. It is not fiscally responsible, and in fact is poor management of public funds to keep running up the tab.  The Administration projects a budget surplus this year to be at least $31 million.  It has been and continues to be my desire to first know what this year’s fund balance will be, and where possible, pay for more of these projects in cash.  We will know that number very soon and then can proceed accordingly.  Contrary to claims by the County Executive, this will not delay the proposed work.

An exciting event will soon be taking place here in western New York.  We are one of a relatively small number of communities poised to experience a full Solar Eclipse on April 8.  Many businesses, schools, and government offices are closing for the day to give people the opportunity to fully experience the eclipse.  Others hope to capitalize off of the expected influx of visitors to our region.  Erie County Parks will be open for this spectacle.  Shelters and building rentals will not be available, however, you will find designated viewing with parking areas.  Staff will be on hand to provide additional safety and educational information. Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about the eclipse, go to

As always, if you have a county related issue, please reach out to my office at (716) 681-2071 or by email at
