We lost an hour of sleep over the weekend, but we gained more daylight, a sure sign that warmer days are on the horizon. The Saint Patrick’s Day celebrations these next several days are another sign of Spring. We are fortunate to live in a community where we celebrate the cultures and traditions that make our region special.
Warmer days means road construction season. There are many projects slated to begin once the weather is more cooperative. Of course, there are many needs. When the Administration gives a specific timetable for a project, the County Executive needs to be held accountable when that roadwork isn’t addressed in that time frame, or not at all.
The New York State Thruway Authority, an unelected and accountable to no one entity, wants to raise tolls on the Thruway; a 10% increase over the next four years if you have an E-Z Pass. For those who pay by mail, the present 30% toll rate differential would be increased to a 75% differential beginning next January. This is a region that relies on the Thruway for daily commutes. I sponsored a resolution opposing this plan, and I’m pleased it had full legislature support.
We also voted to extend the gas tax relief for those still feeling the pain at the pump. You will not be charged Erie County sales tax above two dollars per gallon on your gasoline or diesel fuel purchase. We are seeing the price of everything go up; groceries, goods and services. If we can provide relief for residents in some way, we should. This plan will be implemented in June and run through the end of this year.
New York State now wants to keep federal reimbursement dollars intended for local governments to help fund Medicaid expansion. Because New York includes so many offerings in its Medicaid program, the federal government provides financial assistance. New York serves as a pass-thru because local governments share in the Medicaid costs. Now, despite big budget surpluses, New York wants to keep that money. It would cost Erie County nearly $27 million this year alone according to the State Association of Counties. My colleagues and I passed a resolution unanimously opposing this plan.
A friendly reminder that the 2024 Arts and Cultural funding program is underway. To apply, go to www.erie.gov/CulturalFunding.
I’m pleased the Small Business Administration recognized the terrible impact the December blizzard had on this region, and made an emergency declaration. To see if your business, non-profit or home are eligible for assistance, go to www.disasterloanassistance.sba.gov
Finally, March is Women’s History Month, a month dedicated to reflect on the contributions of women to U.S. history. We are a better nation and community because of the many women who in so many ways have made a difference, among them, the fourteen women members of the Lancaster Volunteer Fire Department. I had the privilege of honoring those volunteers with proclamations in recognition of this month.
Please reach out to my office (716) 681-2071 or email me at Frank.Todaro@erie.gov with any county related issues.