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Legislator Todaro June 2024 Bee column

An issue that comes up time and again is the desire of many to add a Thruway exit to better serve the residents of Lancaster and other communities in the 8th district. While I agree that an exit is needed, I wanted to make you aware of the potential impact on our local communities. A feasibility study must first be conducted to demonstrate the existing system is incapable of accommodating the traffic and all reasonable alternatives have been considered.  Then, an operational and safety analysis must be done to ensure the exit would result in no adverse impacts.  Then the Federal Highway Administration also requires an environmental review.  A financial analysis must show that the revenues generated would offset construction, operating and maintenance costs.  Ultimately, towns making the request would be required to foot the bill for many of these studies before a shovel is ever put in the ground, associated costs that would likely be in the millions of dollars just for the studies and land acquisitions alone.  Even then, there are no guarantees that the Thruway authority of Federal Highway Administration would move forward with the construction of an exit. 

I also wanted to share my concerns about out-of-control spending by the County Executive.  The Erie County Comptroller has warned the legislature of storm clouds ahead, and the County Executive’s own budget director has warned of tight fiscal times looming, yet Mark Poloncarz continues to expand the size and cost of government.  Since taking office, Erie County’s budget has doubled in size.  Last year he added a public ambulance service.  The startup costs alone were estimated to be close to $5 million.  The cost to continue those operations runs in the millions of dollars annually.  As taxpayers you would also then be responsible for the legacy costs, including pensions and health care.

The County Executive recently proposed creating a public defender’s office, a countywide assessor’s office and Erie Corps, which would provide jobs to young people.  As a small business owner, I know personally how challenging it is to fill vacancies. Unnecessarily creating jobs, or patronage positions which the Administration couldn’t even provide a job description for is simply wrong.  We shouldn’t be expanding government, particularly at a time we are losing population.  In addition, the Assigned Counsel program works well, demonstrating there is no need for an expansive public defender’s office that would add hundreds of jobs and millions more to the budget. A countywide assessor’s office would take away local autonomy for the towns and villages within Erie County.  The County Executive should be mindful of what his successors will inherit. Leaving them with a bloated budget, outsized costs and looming deficit isn’t fair or right.

A volunteer Salary Review Commission was assembled to determine whether county elected officials deserve raises.  The Commission recommended a 53% pay increase for Erie County Legislators.  I disagree.   With today’s cost of living, many in the private sector struggle. It’s unfair, it’s not right, and it’s not what public service was ever supposed to be about.  It’s considered a part-time position and allows people to work other jobs.

Summer is finally here. I hope you and your loved ones can make the most of it.  We are fortunate to have beautiful waterways and outdoor spaces.

If you have a county related issue, contact my office at or by phone 716-681-2071.

