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Legislator Todaro January 2024 Bee column

I was proud to take the oath of office earlier this month to begin my third term serving the residents of the 8th District.  I want to thank you for your support as we get back to work advocating for the hardworking taxpayers of Erie County.

One issue that I have received many phone calls on has been the proposed changes made by the Erie County Parks Department to public golf course rules.  I know many of you have played in golf leagues for decades at our public courses and were unhappy to learn that Erie County Parks wants to limit league play to 9 holes rather than the 18, and to require the use of golf carts. We did have a meeting with the golf leagues and the Deputy Commissioner of Parks.  They have dropped the cart use requirement, but we continue to work with the hope of ensuring the leagues can carry on with 18-hole play.

Erie County has submitted its funding for Community Development Block Grant projects, and I’m pleased that two projects in my district have been included: $122,246 for the Town of Alden Senior Center improvements, and $150,000 for sidewalk replacement in the Village of Depew.  I am hoping for quick approval of this application.

I was incredibly disappointed to learn that New York City officials now say they will only reimburse 50% of the cost of educating migrant children here.  For small school districts like Maryvale this is incredibly challenging.  We were assured when the migrants were welcomed here last spring that all related costs would be covered.  School budgets were set following budget votes last May.  This is an unfair burden on the taxpayers and the districts. Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams need to make this right and reimburse the districts 100%.

I wanted to address a concern mentioned recently in the Bee Heard column regarding the purchase of rotary blowers.  The request for vehicle purchases comes from the Administration.  It is the Legislature that approves the expenditure.  I understand the caller’s concern and assure them that I have long advocated for taking proper care of our infrastructure and providing the necessary equipment for our highway crews and will continue to do so.

I was pleased to include many community investments in the 2024 budget.  They include funding for historical investments like Hull House Foundation, food pantries, Meals on Wheels, the Marilla Senior Center, Friends of Reinstein Woods, Scouting, Pet Connection, Lancaster Amateur Radio Club, Depew Community Action Team, and improvements for the Lancaster Depew Boys and Girls Club, Stiglmeier Park Trail, funding for the Village of Depew to address the ice rink cooling system, as well as improvements to other public buildings.

Congratulations to the Buffalo Bills on their playoff victory over the Pittsburgh Steelers. I’m hoping the home field advantage will truly be a benefit when they take on the Kansas City Chiefs.  Give credit to all those who made the game happen Monday despite the weather challenges.  The Bills fan base is like no other.

If you have a county related issue, please don’t hesitate to contact my office by email at or by phone 716-681-2071.  I wish all the best for you and your families in 2024.

