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Legislator Greene September 2024 Bee column

The Erie County Legislature is back from the August recess.  The Administration typically provides us a proposed budget in October, as we work to revise a 2024 spending plan that will best serve our constituents.

There have been some troubling developments over the summer months.  The County Executive was reluctant to share in all of the information gathered about failures during last December’s blizzard.  New York State and the City of Buffalo were forthcoming with reports completed by outside entities on missteps, mistakes and suggestions for improved responses in the event we have similar storm in the future. Those independent reports are useful and helpful to keeping our county and its residents safe.  The Administration needs to be transparent and honest about the failures of the storm response so that we may learn from them.

The impact of the migrant crisis at the southern border is being felt here at home.  Despite efforts by the Republican Caucus to declare a State of Emergency, the Administration welcomed the migrants from New York City. It is clear that these migrants are not vetted as the federal government claims.  Two have been charged in sex assault related cases, another is charged in a violent fight at a Red Roof Inn in Amherst, others have been charged with trashing a restaurant adjacent to the hotel they are being housed, and assaulting a worker there, and others have been arrested for shoplifting.  We may have unlimited empathy, but we don’t have unlimited resources.  There are many people in need here at home.  The federal government needs to step up and address this crisis once and for all, and New York City leaders, whose policies invited the chaos we now see, needs to re-examine those policies, particularly since they now want all the other communities in the state to clean up their mess.

There were some recent domestic violence allegations made against Mark Poloncarz.  He has denied them.  I think it’s only fair and proper that an independent investigation take place so that he can either clear his name or be held accountable for his alleged actions. 

Now that our children have returned to the classroom, it is important to remember to be on the look out for school busses carrying our precious cargo.  Busses stop often, so be mindful of that and be prepared to stop for them.

We recently marked the 22nd anniversary of the 9-11 attacks.  It’s hard to believe so much time has passed since that fateful day.  May the pain for the families lessen with time and may the lives of those who perished never be forgotten.

If you have a county related issue that you need assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact my office at or by phone at 716-858-8676.




