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Legislator Greene November 2023 Bee column

I want to thank the voters of the towns of Amherst, Clarence and Newstead for entrusting me to be your voice in the Erie County Legislature for the next two years.  It is a great honor, and I am so appreciative of your support.

We have now begun the process of holding hearings on the proposed 2024 Erie County budget.  This includes hearing from all department heads. That is followed by a public hearing, where you will have the opportunity to weigh in with your opinions on the 2024 spending plan.  The budget not only funds Erie County services and departments, but also provides funding for numerous agencies, cultural organizations, and other institutions that add to the fabric of our western New York Community.

The $1.9 billion proposed budget is the largest ever, $162.5 million more than the budget that was adopted in 2023, a spending increase that is troubling.  While much of Erie County’s budget is the result of mandated programs and services that come from the state and federal government, some of that increase is due to union contracts and additional positions created in a number of departments.  As legislators it is our duty to ensure the spending plan properly addresses the needs of our cities, towns, and villages, while not placing an undue burden on our constituents. 

It is important to ensure proper funding is in place to take care of Erie County’s infrastructure, so that our roads, bridges, sewers and other county assets are safe and functional for residents.  We also look to provide proper funding levels for our parks, playgrounds, libraries, and other assets that provide recreational and educational opportunities. 

I was proud that I was joined by my colleagues in the Republican Caucus in negotiating a cut to the property tax levy, something that had not been done in years.  We are also providing savings to constituents during the coldest months of year, by eliminating the residential energy sales tax from December 1, 2023, to March 1, 2024.  I consider this a success and highlight of the 2024 spending plan.

This month also marks the one-year anniversary of the November storm that buried much of Erie County under seven feet of snow.  Erie County purchased equipment to better handle snow removal, and I hope that investment will prove to be beneficial.  Following last year’s historic blizzard, I called on the County Executive to work with snowmobile clubs to assist in future weather events. They played a very important role last year in rescue efforts and are absolutely crucial for future operations.  I am glad they will play a role going forward.

Many of us will soon be gathered around the table with friends and family to celebrate Thanksgiving. The holidays are always a wonderful time to catch up with those we rarely see, or who have moved out of town and return to be with family.  I’m thankful for my wife and four boys, for my family, friends, and the wonderful opportunity I have to represent the people of the 6th legislative district.  I hope you are able to spend this Thanksgiving with loved ones.

As always, if you have a county-related issue, contact my office at or by phone at 716-858-8676.

