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Legislator Greene June 2023 Bee column

Summer is here, and with that, busy schedules for families.  We embrace this season in Western New York.  As a father of four boys, it’s a time filled with baseball games, and running them to their many activities.  It’s also a time when we begin to see work beginning for the new Buffalo Bills stadium. Groundbreaking ceremonies were held earlier this month.  My Republican Caucus colleagues and I re-worked an agreement that ultimately saves taxpayers about $80 million in interest, by paying more of Erie County’s obligation in cash from budget surplus.  This region will also benefit from the estimated ten-thousand workers involved in this project, who will spend their money at local businesses.

I’m troubled by Albany’s move to change town and county elections to even numbered years.  Local races address quality of life issues important to our communities.  By holding these races when state and federal elections are held, the divisive issues at those levels will drown out the local debate.  That is not good governance.  The majority of leaders with the State Association of Counties have gone on record opposing it.  Of course, downstate and New York City politicians pushed for this measure, once again elbowing their way in and imposing their agenda on our communities. This goes against the spirit of home rule, and Governor Hochul, who was both a town board member and county clerk, needs to reject this.

The first two busloads of asylum seekers have arrived in Western New York.  My colleagues and I have been asking for transparency and answers from the Administration, to no avail.  Our resolution requesting information was sent to the Government Affairs Committee. The chair of that committee has not called a meeting in 9 months.  My constituents call with questions.  It’s my responsibility to provide them answers.  Without having dialogue and bringing stakeholders in to discuss this matter, I can’t give them the answers they need.  That’s not right. We know from our federal government partners that vetting the number of asylum seekers coming through is a near impossible task and is overwhelming our system.  Is the County Executive confident enough that these migrants are avoiding persecution and not prosecution that he’s willing to stake his political career on that belief? How certain are we that New York City will pick up the tab, and for how long? After all, Governor Hochul is holding on to federal Medicaid money intended for local communities, so why should we trust them? We’ve received no real information and no documentation in the Legislature.  We are the fiscal house. We need answers.

It’s that time of year when road crews are busy repairing Erie County roads after a difficult winter season.  Please be cautious in areas where roadwork is underway so that we can ensure those workers return home safely to their families.

Should you need assistance with a county issue, please contact my office at (716)858-8676 or by email,  In addition, you can keep updated on county issues impacting our community by following me on my Facebook page, Legislator Chris Greene.

