East Aurora’s Roycroft Campus Restores Print Shop Tower with $350,000 Cultural Capital Grant; Storefront Revitalization Grants Invigorate East Aurora Businesses Left Coast Taco, the Bookworm Book Store
Poloncarz, Officials Visit Sites to Review Completed Projects
ERIE COUNTY, NY— Communities around Erie County are witnessing the transformative effects of funding provided by Erie County in the form of cultural capital grants and storefront revitalization grants. Together, these investments are helping cultural groups to complete much-needed capital renovations to their facilities and businesses to spruce up their storefronts to attract more foot traffic. Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz today joined Roycroft Campus Corp. Executive Director Curt Maranto at the Roycroft’s Print Shop Tower to review the work completed there with a cultural capital grant before heading to nearby Left Coast Taco and the Bookworm bookstore, both of whom received storefront revitalization grants to boost their business. Poloncarz was also joined by personnel from the county Department of Environment and Planning for the visits.
“Both the Erie County cultural capital grants and the storefront revitalization grants are helping organizations and businesses countywide to complete renovations and improvements they might not have been able to fund otherwise, strengthening them for the future and enriching communities across the county,” said Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz. “By providing funding to spur these improvements we are investing in our businesses, our people, and Erie County’s future.”
The Roycroft Print Shop, which was originally constructed in 1901 and is listed as a National Historic Landmark, was the focus of a $350,000 grant to restore the site’s tower. Restoration work included exterior stonework repointing, reconstruction of the cooper roof, plaster restoration, floor and woodwork refinishing, interior carpentry, air conditioning, window restorations, and other miscellaneous repairs.
In the last five years, Erie County has invested $1.1 million into Roycroft projects, including $200,000 in the 2019 Capital Budget, $100,000 in the 2020 Capital Budget, $210,000 in the 2022 Capital Budget, $240,000 in RENEW Plan phase I funding that involved roof restoration, technology upgrades, lighting and signage, and the $350,000 cultural capital grant this year.
“It has been decades since the Print Shop tower has received any restoration care. The tower is four stories tall, built entirely of field stone, and has been subject to 130 years of harsh WNY weather. It was critical to stabilize the structure, both interior and exterior. The exterior pointing on the parapet was almost non-existent and the interior was collapsing due to water intrusion. Because of the generosity and support of the County Executive and Legislators, the tower was rescued from possible collapse saving this important piece of American History,” said Curt Maranto, Roycroft Campus Corp. Executive Director. “We are fortunate to have a County Executive who sees value in our history and preserving it for future generations.”
“Investments like this are critical to ensure our cultural and historic sites are preserved, and also to act as a catalyst for economic development, education, and tourism at the county and local level,” said Daniel Castle, Commissioner of the Erie County Dept of Environment & Planning.
Following the Roycroft visit the group moved over to the popular Left Coast Taco, owned by Nate Root, to see the improvements completed under a storefront revitalization grant at that location. Left Coast Taco was awarded $40,000 and added a canopy over the patio, two glass entrance doors, planter boxes, a garden wall, and plants & flowers to their bustling location. Another East Aurora business, the Bookworm bookstore, received a $40,000 revitalization grant that was used for a sorely needed new roof to prevent further deterioration of the building. This small independent bookstore, owned by Jen Reisdorf, was one of the first in the county to complete their grant funded work.
For more information:
On the Roycroft Campus, visit https://www.roycroftcampuscorporation.com/
On Left Coast Taco, visit https://www.leftcoasttacoea.com/
On the Bookworm bookstore, visit https://eabookworm.com/
On the Department of Environment and Planning, visit https://www3.erie.gov/environment/
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