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By Deputy County Executive Lisa Chimera

Over the Thanksgiving holiday, parts of Erie County saw its first significant snowfall of the season. Since then, additional lake effect snow systems have passed through our region, with the southern and central parts of the county receiving significant accumulation.

Winter weather is a fact of life in Western New York, but it is imperative for individuals and families to prepare for any emergency situation. Winter storms can bring heavy snow, bitterly cold temperatures and high winds.

Before an emergency, take a household inventory. Stock up on enough food, medication and water to last three to five days. Know what supplies you have on hand and what you should obtain. A basic emergency kit should be stocked with a flashlight and batteries, first aid kit and battery powered radio. Also think about what skills you and your household would be able to use if needed. Do you know basic first aid and CPR? Are you able to shovel heavy snow, run a generator or clear debris with a chainsaw?

Create a “circle of care” that includes family, friends, neighbors, faith leaders and even medical and mental health experts. Think about who has resources or knowledge that would be useful in an emergency. Be sure to share any anticipated needs. Does someone in the neighborhood need help shoveling or clearing exterior furnace vents? Are there families who may need diapers or formula? Have phone numbers for neighbors of loved ones handy as an alternate way to contact them in an emergency.

Organize a call tree with neighbors and have a plan for what to do if the roads become unsafe or if a travel ban is enacted. If the power goes out, is there a central place to gather and stay warm? Keep plastic sheeting, duct-tape, scissors and work gloves nearby. These tools can be used to seal off windows and other points of entry, which will go a long way towards keeping a room warm.

Talk about your preparedness plan and practice what to do in different scenarios. Consider taking a Citizen Preparedness Corps training. This course is led by emergency response personnel from New York State and the National Guard. Participants will learn the basics of how to respond to a natural or human-caused disaster.

During the course participants are advised on how to properly develop emergency plans and how to stock up on supplies. A backpack with preparedness tools is also provided to participants (one per family). To view and register for upcoming courses, go to:

During a weather event or other emergency situation, Erie County will share information through both traditional media (local print news, television and radio) and on our social media channels. I also encourage everyone to download the ReadyErie smartphone app. Download the app through your phones App Store by searching “ReadyErie,” or by visiting: Your municipality may have its own alert system as well.

I advise everyone to take the time to prepare and plan before an emergency and to stay tuned to local forecasts and information channels during any significant weather events. Thank you to all public works employees, members of law enforcement and emergency personnel who worked hard during these recent weather events, and thank you to all residents who assisted by staying informed and adhering to driving bans. I wish everyone a safe, happy and healthy start to the New Year!
