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Vehicular Crimes Bureau

The Vehicular Crimes Bureau is responsible for the investigation and prosecution of all crimes involving the use of a motor vehicle.

The bureau, led by Chief Patrick B. Shanahan, handles cases involving vehicular homicide, vehicular assault, leaving the scene of an incident involving death or serious physical injury, aggravated driving while intoxicated or ability impaired by drugs. Misdemeanor level impaired driving offenses are generally prosecuted in the local courts by prosecutors assigned to the Buffalo City Court Bureau and Justice Courts Bureau

As most of these offenses occur during the late evening or early morning hours, it is critical that the initial investigation is conducted immediately and correctly to obtain crucial evidence. In addition to overseeing a team of three Assistant District Attorneys and managing his own caseload, Chief Glascott is on-call to advise law enforcement agencies on matters concerning criminal charges, search warrants, evidence collection, witness interviews and accident reconstruction.
