Village Clerk/Treasurer
Sue Galbraith
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer
Ashley Kaluzny-
Jill Depczynski-
The Village Clerk/Treasurer is appointed by the Village Board for a four-(4) year term. The Clerk/Treasurer is the chief fiscal officer of the Village and is responsible for receipt, investment and disbursement of Village funds as well as issuance of obligations of the Village. In addition, the Treasurer maintains custody of all village funds, issues all checks and prepares the annual report of village finances.
The Clerk/Treasurer is also the administrative head of the village government and implements the policies of the village as established by the board of trustees. The Clerk/Treasurer attends the meetings of the board of trustees and reports on the needs and status of the various government operations.
Contact Information
13336 Broadway
Alden, NY 14004
Phone: (716) 937-9216 Ext. 111
Fax: (716) 937-8936
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
Notary Public
The Village Clerk is a Notary Publics. This service is available during normal business hours. Proper identification must be submitted and the person must sign their document in our presence. This service is free.
Elections are held on a rotating schedule. Terms of office are 4 years for the Mayor and Trustees. Legal notices are publicized in November prior to the March election. Elections are always held on the third Tuesday in March. Polling place is the Village Hall located at 13336 Broadway, Alden, NY 14004. There are 2 election districts: District #1 is the North side of Broadway and District #6 is the South side of Broadway.