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Volunteer Board Positions - Board Listings

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Below is a list of Board positions. Click a title to view the board description.

Volunteer Positions

Assigned Counsel

The Assigned Counsel Program provides quality legal representation in both Criminal Courts and Family Court in Erie County.

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Buffalo and Erie County Public Library

Members of the board shall have all the powers and duties of trustees of other educational institutions of the University of the State of New York. Duties include, but are not limited to: carrying out all policies and principles pertaining to the operations and selection of library material of city and county public libraries, and the exclusive power to appoint and remove employees of such city and county public libraries, to fix and define their authority and duties, and to fix their salaries within the limits of available appropriates; to establish the headquarters of a city and county public library and to establish such branches and book stations as may be necessary; to maintain and protect any and all property which may be transferred to city and county public libraries; to buy, sell, mortgage, let, or otherwise use the property of city and county public libraries and to lend, receive, or deposit, literary or scientific articles, collections or property pertaining to its work; to continue and to manage, operate, supervise and oversee any library or library under the jurisdiction of the city and/or county public libraries and to cause the services performed by any such library to be continued; to assume and take over the supervision, direction and management and employment of all personnel of any library; generally perform and carry out all the necessary or usual acts and duties required by law and performed by trustees of libraries in the state of New York.

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Buffalo Place

Accordion content.

Central Police Services Board of Trustees

Board members set the policy for the department and advise on matters relating to programs of professional and technical services to police agencies in the county. The board is responsible to the County Executive.

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Conditional Release Commission

Members of the conditional release commission will determine who and under what conditions local jail inmates may be conditionally released. Each member of the Commission shall have graduated from an accredited four year college or university and shall have had at least five years of experience in the field of criminology, administration of criminal justice, 
law enforcement, probation, parole, law, social work, social science, psychology, psychiatry, or corrections.

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Commission on the Status of Women

Board members for the Commission will work to eliminate discrimination in any form that may exist on account of gender. Board members will work to assure that the women of Erie County have full participation on the issues that impact their lives.

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Corrections Advisory Board

The purpose of the ECCC Advisory Board is the discussion of corrections facilities programs and services to offer suggestions and advice for the improvement of such programs at the Erie County Correctional Facility and the Erie County Holding Center. The Advisory Board may undertake functions and activities intended to provide advice and suggestions to:

  • Improve the programs and functions of the Jail Management Division and the County Correctional Facilities
  • Allow public comment on the activities associated with the Erie County Holding Center and Correctional Facility
  • Make formal recommendations to the Erie County Legislature, Erie County Executive and the Erie County Sheriff on the comprehensive plan for programs and services at the Correctional Facilities in Erie County, complete with a budgetary analysis and identification of possible sources of funding for initiatives that require additional funding not specified in the County’s budget.
  • Receive complaints regarding the Correctional Facilities from interested parties and refer such complaints to the proper official in the office of the Erie County Sheriff for investigation.

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Council on People With Disabilities

The advisory board to the office for the disabled shall be known as the Erie county council on the disabled. Members of the council shall be appointed by the county executive, subject to confirmation by the county legislature and shall serve without compensation. Such council shall consist of twelve voting members: six of whom shall be disabled individuals or the parent of a disabled child or children, with a maximum of three of the preceding members being a non disabled parent of a disabled child or children; and three of whom shall be appointed from a list of nine representatives nominated by public and private agencies and organizations serving disabled citizens of the county. In addition to the voting members, each public and private agency and organization providing service to the disabled shall be entitled to designate a non voting member to the council. The term of office of voting members of the council shall be two years and the term of the members first appointed shall commence on the first day of the month following the enactment of this law. A vacancy shall be filled for an unexpired term of a voting member in the same manner as the original appointment. Officers of the council shall be selected by the voting membership thereof.

Meetings of the council shall be held upon the call of the chairman or as specified in a written declaration by a majority of the members of such council but in no event shall less than eight meetings per year be held.

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Erie County Cultural Resources Advisory Board

ECCRAB will advise Erie County government through the County Executive as to the effective and equitable distribution of County funds to cultural organizations with the purpose of fostering a vibrant, diverse cultural environment in Erie County. They also review, evaluate and make recommendations concerning cultural funding requests and related issues impacting Erie County.

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Erie County Deferred Compensation

Duties of the Board include: general oversight of the Deferred Compensation Plan, its administration, and its investments; selection of one or more financial organizations, trustees, independent consultants, certified public accountants, and administrative service agencies to provide services to the Plan; periodic review and assessment of the performance of the Service Providers and of the Plan investments. Committee members will discharge their duties and make all decisions regarding the Plan solely in the best interests of Plan participants and beneficiaries.

It is advised that the committee be comprised of those with strong backgrounds in the finance or administration of retirement plans.

Disaster Preparedness Advisory Board

This board shall be composed of no fewer than fifteen and no more than twenty five members who shall be appointed by the county executive for two year terms. One third of the members shall be active members of voluntary fire companies and the remainder shall be elected officials or their representatives, representatives of organizations involved in civil defense and disaster preparedness and other citizens of the county. The commissioner of environment and planning, the sheriff, the commissioner of public works and the commissioner of health shall be ex officio members. The county executive shall designate one of the members to serve as chairman. It shall be the duty of such board to cooperate with the state civil defense commission and the state natural disasters commission in effectuating the purposes for which the commissions were established in relation to programs for civil defense and disaster preparedness; to act as an advisory board to the county executive, the county legislature, the commissioner of emergency services and the deputy commissioner of civil defense/disaster preparedness in connection with county participation in programs for civil defense and disaster preparedness, county establishment and maintenance of county civil defense and disaster preparedness plans and programs for natural or other disasters or emergencies in which the services of civil defense forces or emergency personnel would be used; to perform such other duties as the county executive, the county legislature, the commissioner of emergency services or the deputy commissioner of civil defense/disaster preparedness may prescribe in relation to civil defense and disaster preparedness programs for natural or other disasters or emergencies in which the services of emergency personnel would be used. The members of such board shall be county officers and shall serve without compensation.

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Erie Community College

Board members are responsible for appointing the college president (permanent, acting or interim) subject to the approval of the State University of New York Trustees. They also approve curriculum; prepare, approve and implement budgets for the college; establish tuition and fees; approve sites, and both temporary and permanent facilities for the college's use; provide for the awarding of certificates and diplomas; and the conferring of appropriate degrees on the recommendation of the president and the faculty. Upon the recommendation of the president, board members will also appoint personnel, adopt salary schedules, and approve the organizational pattern of the college.

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Erie County Industrial Development Agency (ECIDA)

Purposes of the Agency are as follows: to integrate and strengthen the planning and promotion of industrial, commercial and economic development in Erie County, on a unified, county-wide basis, and to that end to seek the cooperation and coordinate the operations of public and private organizations to such planning and promotion; to advertise and promote industrial, commercial and economic opportunities in EC and to publicize the advantages of the County; to conduct research into business and industrial conditions in the County, to study the needs and conditions of the County and to prepare plans or elements of plans relating to the industrial, commercial, and economic development of the County or any part of the County; and to study, recommend, plan, coordinate, and evaluate projects and programs relating to industrial, commercial, and economic development in Erie County.

Those who are appointed should be chosen from leaders in the business, labor or minority communities within the County after consultation from other Agency Members.

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Erie County Medical Center Public Benefit Corporation Board

Members of the board shall have all the powers and duties to operate, manage, superintend and control any health facility under its jurisdiction and to continue as a general, municipal hospital and provide health care services and health facilities for the benefit of the residents of the State of New York and the County of Erie, including persons in need of health care services without the ability to pay, as required by law. The Board shall hire, set the compensation and benefits and annually review the performance of the Chief Executive Officer ["CEO"], Chief Operating Officer ["COO"], Chief Financial Officer ["CFO"], Administrator of the Erie County Home, Associate Administrator for Health Systems Development, Medical Director, Internal Auditor and General Counsel of the Corporation.

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Equal Employment Opportunity/Minority & Women Owned Business Enterprises

The Board will evaluate and review the adequacy of the County's Affirmative Action Plan. It will also evaluate and review the adequacy of the County's efforts on behalf of Minority Business Enterprises. Members will receive community input for improvement of employment opportunities with the County.

Appointments must reflect an equitable representation of the groups affected by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972.

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Environmental Management Council

Establishment of the Erie county environmental management council; membership. There is hereby established, pursuant to article nineteen of the conservation law and the municipal home rule, a county environmental management council, to be known as the Erie county environmental management council, hereinafter called the council. The council shall be appointed by the county executive, subject to the confirmation of the legislature, and shall consist of twelve members at large and one member recommended to the county executive by and from each town, village or city environmental or conservation management council established by the official governing body of such town, village or city. The term of all members shall be two years. Vacancies on the council shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment except that a vacancy occurring through circumstances other than by expiration of term of office shall be filled only for the remainder of the unexpired term. In addition, the commissioner of environment and planning, the commissioner of health, and are representative of the Erie and Niagara counties regional planning board shall be ex officio voting members of the council.

The county executive shall appoint one member of the council as chairman thereof. The council shall meet at least four times each year. The council shall adopt rules and procedures for its meetings, shall keep accurate records of its meetings and activities, and shall file the annual report and plan as provided in section sixteen hundred twenty two of this law.

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Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board

The division of emergency medical services shall be headed by a deputy commissioner who shall be appointed by the county executive, subject to confirmation by the county legislature, to serve at the pleasure of the county executive. The deputy commissioner of emergency medical services shall, when so directed by the commissioner, have and exercise any or all of the powers and duties vested in and imposed upon a county director of emergency medical services by the laws of the state of New York and any related powers and duties heretofore or hereafter lawfully granted or imposed by the county charter, by this code, by local law, ordinance or resolution of the county legislature, by order or direction of the county executive, or by applicable provision of any act of the state legislature not inconsistent with the county charter or this code.

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Board members shall have all the powers and duties ascribed to a board of ethics by article 18 of the general municipal law. In addition, they will establish high standards of ethical conduct for county officers and employees, to afford them clear guidance, and to assure public confidence in county government.

No more than three members of the same political party can serve on the board at any time. Also, no member can be an elected official, a political party officer, belong to a political party committee or have substantial interests with Erie County.

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Fair Housing

Members of the Erie county fair housing board shall advise and consult with the County Executive and County Legislature on all matters related to fair housing within Erie County, and recommend policies or practices to promote equal opportunity in housing, conduct hearings when a fair housing complaint is certified to the Board, and render an annual written report to the County Executive and Erie County Legislature detailing the Board’s activities and recommendations over the past year in order to promote fair housing practices within Erie county and fight housing discrimination.

Fire Advisory

The division of fire safety shall be headed by a deputy commissioner who shall be appointed by the county executive, subject to confirmation by the county legislature, to serve at the pleasure of the county executive. The deputy commissioner of fire safety shall, when so directed by the commissioner, have and exercise any or all of the powers and duties vested in and imposed upon a county fire coordinator by the laws of the state of New York and any related powers and duties heretofore or hereafter lawfully granted or imposed by the county charter, by this code, by local law, ordinance or resolution of the county legislature, by order or direction of the county executive, or by applicable provision of any act of the state legislature not inconsistent with the county charter or this code.

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Fisheries Advisory

There shall be within the department a fisheries advisory board, consisting of twelve members. The county executive shall make the appointments for eight positions, the chairman of the Erie County legislature shall make the appointment for one positions, the enrolled members of each of the two political parties which have the greatest number of members seated in the Erie County legislature shall by majority vote make the appointment each for one position, and the Chairperson of the Legislature's Energy & Environment Committee shall make the appointment for one member, and all such appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the Erie County legislature.

Members shall be appointed to terms of three years, except that of the members first appointed, four shall be appointed to terms expiring the thirty-first day of December nineteen hundred ninety-seven, four shall be appointed to terms expiring the thirty-first day of December nineteen hundred ninety-eight, and four shall be appointed to terms expiring the thirty-first day of December nineteen hundred ninety-nine.

The chairman of the Erie County legislature shall make the appointment to designate one of the four members which next become vacant by expiration of the original term after approval of this local law, which shall then and thereafter be the position to be appointed by the chairman of the Erie County legislature, with the appointee serving for a term of three years. The members of the Erie County legislature shall make the appointments to designate the two members which next become vacant by expiration of the original term after approval of this local law, which shall then and thereafter be the positions to be appointed by the members of the Erie County legislature, with each appointee serving for a term of three years.

The Chairperson of the Erie county Legislature's Energy & Environment Committee shall make the appointment to designate the member which next becomes vacant by expiration of the original term after approval of this local law, which shall then and thereafter be the position to be appointed by the Chairperson of the Erie county Legislature's Energy & Environment Committee, with the appointee serving for a term of three years. Members shall be residents of the County of Erie, and shall include representatives of sports and recreational fishing, and of various fields of marine and aquatic sciences.

The board shall advise the department on matters concerning protection, development, and access to fisheries, upon related issues, and upon such additional matters as may be requested by the commissioner or by the county executive. No later than the first day of December in each year, the board shall deliver to the county executive an annual report summarizing the board's activities over the preceding twelve months.

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There shall be in the department a board of health, the members of which shall be appointed by the county executive. The composition of such board in regard to the number of members and professional, governmental or other representation, and the terms of such members, shall be as provided in the public health law for a county board of health. The board of health shall at the request of the commissioner, and may on its own initiative, advise on matters relating to the preservation and improvement of the public health and on matters relating to services and facilities of the county laboratory.

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Labor Management Healthcare Fund

The Labor Management Healthcare Fund "Coalition" exists to promote the financial soundness of its members, protects the benefit preferences of its members, and build common bonds with its members for long term health. It's goals are to: Pool resources for the efficient research development and administration of more effective health care programs and networks, improve communication between representatives of labor and management in regards to healthcare issues, provide workers and employers with new opportunities to explore new and innovative joint approaches to achieving savings in health care programs, to assist workers and employers in solving problems relating to their health care program not susceptible to resolution within the collective bargaining process, to enhance the involvement of workers in making decisions concerning their health care programs, and to educate federal, state, and local governments, coalition members and respective participants and the general public as to pertinent issues in the health care industry and their impact.

Lake Erie Watershed Protection Agency

The purpose of the LEWPA shall be to protect and improve the water quality of lake Erie and local groundwater and surface water bodies within the watershed.  Erie County shall appoint 3 members of a 9 member committee (the other 6 being from Cattaraugus County and Chautauqua County). Of the three members being appointed from Erie County there will be: 

One (1) Soil and Water Conservation representative

One (1) regional government representative

One (1) local government representative

Legal Aid

A team of dedicated nonprofit attorneys, social workers, and advocates for justice, committed to making a difference.

Local Early Intervention Coordinating Council

Board members will report annually to the Early Intervention Official on the adequacy of the early intervention system to ensure the availability of family centered, coordinated services. They will also interface with existing planning bodies that serve like populations.

The Council must consist of four parents of infants, toddlers or children ages three through twelve with developmental disabilities. There must also be three public or private providers of early intervention services, as well as, one or more representatives from the departments of youth services, social services, health, and mental health. A representative from the local developmental disabilities services office must also serve.

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Mental Health

The county executive shall appoint the members of the mental health advisory board in accordance with the provisions of section one hundred ninety b of article eight A of the mental hygiene law. Such members shall be residents of the county of Erie.

The mental health advisory board shall elect annually a chairman, vice chairman and a secretary from among its members. The mental health advisory board shall have and exercise the powers and duties conferred or imposed upon such board by the county charter or this code.

Meetings of the mental health advisory board shall be held at the call of the commissioner of mental health or the chairman of such board on three day so written notice mailed to the last known address of such board members. The mental health advisory board shall at the request of the county executive and may of its own initiative, make recommendations and suggestions to the county executive relative to the qualifications and appointment of the commissioner of mental health and relative to the qualifications and duties of the deputy commissioner, officers or employees of the department of mental health.

Vacancies in the membership of the board occurring otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired terms.

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Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority (NFTA)

The purposes of the authority shall be the continuance, further development and improvement of transportation and other services related within the Niagara Frontier transportation district.


The county executive shall appoint a poverty advisory board of seven members as provided for in section 2208 of the charter, at least one of whom shall be a physician licensed to practice in the state of New York and at least one of whom shall be a certified social worker employed in Erie County. Such board shall have and exercise the powers and duties conferred or imposed on such board by the county charter or this code. The poverty advisory board shall, at the request of the commissioner of social services and may on its own initiative, make recommendations and suggestions relative to the qualifications and duties of any of the deputies, officers or employees of the department.  

Senior Services

The county executive shall appoint nineteen persons to serve without compensation on an advisory board for the department of senior services to advise on matters relating to senior citizens in the county. The board shall include not less than ten members who are Erie county residents, sixty two years of age or older. Membership shall be proportionately representative of the geographical areas within Erie county. The term of office of members of the board shall be two years. Officers of the board shall be selected by the membership thereof. Members of the board shall include, but not be limited to, representatives of the council of senior citizens clubs of Buffalo and Erie county, inc., and of the retired senior volunteer program.

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Sewer Districts
  • District No. 1 – Towns of West Seneca and Cheektowaga
  • District No. 2 – Towns of Brant, Eden, Evans, Hamburg and North Collins; Villages of Angola, Farnham and North Collins
  • District No. 3 – Towns of Boston, Eden, Hamburg, Holland, Orchard Park and West Seneca; Village of Blasdell
  • District No. 4 – Towns of Alden and Lancaster; Villages of Depew and Lancaster
  • District No. 5 – Towns of Amherst and Clarence
  • District No. 6 – City of Lackawanna
  • District No. 8 – Town of Aurora, Village of East Aurora

Board members are responsible in each district for the preparation and approval of the budgets for their respective Sewer Districts, as well as the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the Erie County Sewer Districts. Board members also recommend sewer rates and charges for their respective districts.

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Visit Buffalo Niagara

Board members will manage the affairs of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. They will undertake the operation of the Convention Center in the City of Buffalo, and do everything necessary to promote, develop, supervise and manage the convention center. Board members will have all the powers granted a Type C not-for-profit corporation under the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law of NYS, including the power to solicit and accept contributions and donations to be used to further the corporate purposes.

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Workforce Investment Board

Board members will develop and submit the local plan. They will also select One-Stop Operators and providers of youth activities. Members will need to identify eligible providers of training services and intensive services. Duties will also include developing the Local Board's administrative budget, directing the disbursement of funds by the local Fiscal Agent and soliciting grants and donations. Members will need to provide program oversight for youth activities, employment and training activities, the One-Stop delivery system, and meeting the 'Sunshine Provision' of the Workforce Investment Act.

Members of the Board from the business community must be either owners or CEOS of a company, and have all the hiring authority within their organization.

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Youth Services Board

The county executive shall appoint twenty one persons to serve without compensation on a youth services board for the department of youth services to advise on matters relating to youth in the county. Membership shall be proportionately representative of the geographical areas within the county. The term of office of members of the board shall be two years. Officers of the board shall be selected by the membership thereof.

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Non-Volunteer Boards

Albright Knox Art Gallery Board of Directors

In most cases, the Board acts as the ultimate legal entity for the Gallery and is responsible for making and maintaining its general policies, standards, condition and operational continuity. The Board of Directors has a strong obligation to monitor and develop the financial structure of the Gallery so that it continues to exist as an institution of vitality and quality. A vital responsibility of the Board of Directors derives from its relationship to the Gallery Director. The selection of the executive and the continuing monitoring of their activities are primary Board responsibilities.

Alternatives to Incarceration

This program provides on-going court advocacy, intensive case management, cognitive behavioral interventions (CBIs), vocational/stabilization planning, linkage and referral, and assistance in achieving individualized goals, ensuring compliance with legal mandates in an effort to reduce the risk of recidivism.

Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens

Board members will be responsible for determining policy. They will also be selecting and employing an Executive Director, monitoring and reviewing his/her performance and the delivery of services. Board members will create a strategic long range plan, ensure proper fiscal management, select candidates for election to the board, monitor the delivery of services to members, and be actively involved in the development of the Botanical Gardens.

Buffalo Museum of Science and Tifft Nature Preserve

Board members must commit to being an ambassador for the Museum, helping inform and excite the community and community leaders. They must also support the annual fund and at least one fundraiser per year both personally and professionally. Board members will be asked to join and actively participate in standing and/or special committees. They will also attend museum special events and "behind the scene" opportunities. Members will also be asked to connect the museum and staff to their personal networks of expertise, resources, and potential partners.

Zoological Society of Buffalo Board of Directors

The Zoological Society of Buffalo, Inc. is an independent, non-profit corporation organized for the establishment, maintenance, and operation of the Zoological Gardens; for the education and recreation of the people and visitors of the Niagara Frontier; for the advancement and encouragement of the science of Zoology; and the practice of conservation of wildlife of the world.

Boards with No CE Appointments

Agricultural and Farmland Protection

New York State Agriculture and Markets Law empowers counties to create Agricultural and Farmland Protection Boards with a broad-based membership to bring together farmers and government officials, bring broader community goals to oversight of agricultural districts, bring appreciation of agriculture’s needs back to the broader community, and build bridges and bring together diverse perspectives.

Agricultural and Farmland Protection Boards may recommend creation and renewal of agricultural districts, comment on “notices of intent” to undertake development projects in agricultural districts, and guide, assess and approve Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plans.

For more information on Erie County’s Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board please contact the Department of Environment and Planning.

Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra Board of Trustees

As the governing body of the BPO, the Board of Trustees oversees the Society's performance in fulfilling its mission and purpose, insuring sound strategic planning, as well as the presence of adequate resources to fulfill the mission and purpose, and that all resources are managed effectively.

Burchfield Penny Art Center Board of Trustees

The Burchfield Penney Art Center is the museum dedicated to the art and vision of Charles E. Burchfield and the art and artists of Buffalo, NY, and our region. 

Niagara River Greenway Commission

Commission members will develop a plan and generic environmental impact statement for the creation of the Niagara River Greenway. The plan will include the designation of the specific boundaries of the Greenway. Commission members will create an inventory of existing park and other lands under the jurisdiction of the State, while identifying other lands that can contribute to the purposes of the Greenway.

Commissioners will recommend how the Greenway could be linked to upland and interior communities to promote linkages to the river, evaluate how economic development activities in proximity to the Greenway can support and complement the Greenway, and recommend cooperative efforts with the Province of Ontario and Nation of Canada.

Commission members will identify sources of funding and ways for the Commission to work with municipal, state and federal agencies, as well as public and private corporations, not-for-profit organizations and private property owners and interests.

Commissioners will also make recommendations for the on-going operation and maintenance of the Niagara River Greenway.