As you head to the polls you will see a proposition that, if passed, will silence the voices of hundreds of thousands of Erie County residents. As it currently stands in the Erie County Legislature, to pass the sales tax extension every other year, a super majority vote is required. This proposition would allow for a simple majority vote, and, what’s worse, it takes away the option of putting that issue to a referendum before voters. This could eventually lead to the legislature approving tax hikes without any input from the public.
The super majority vote to extend the sales tax has typically resulted in negotiations that have produced millions in savings for taxpayers, as well as a reduction in the property tax levy. By taking away this opportunity to negotiate, taxpayers lose their voice and lose out on the savings realized. Ironically Democrats pushed for the super majority vote back in the 1970s when Republicans had control. Republicans agreed that it was only fair to all Erie County residents to have a super majority vote. That measure went to referendum and was passed overwhelmingly. This proposition does an incredible disservice to the people of Erie County, and I encourage you to vote no.
I am glad we have been able to help some of the farms that experienced significant damage from the tornadoes a few months ago. I recently visited Mammoser Farms in Eden. They were able to take advantage of a two-hundred thousand dollar grant to assist them with rebuilding a structure destroyed in that weather event. Those dollars were shifted from the winter storm damage funds, all designed to assist farms that lose structures often not covered by insurance.
I was encouraged by a recent State Supreme Court ruling that a new state law pushed through in Albany to move local elections violates the state Constitution. As the ruling noted, local interests would take a back seat to the often-divisive issues of state and federal elections. This would make it difficult for those participating in local races to shed light on many quality-of-life issues. Healthy debate would be drowned out in the process. It would also be difficult for local candidates to fundraise so the public would know their positions on various topics, because those dollars would be spent on bigger races, and that is not good government.
Fall is here and with that the beautiful fall foliage. Erie County has many beautiful parks where you can enjoy the season’s colorful display. Chestnut Ridge Park will play host to an eternal flame hike to enjoy Falls spectacle. It will be held Sunday, October 20 at 10a. Visit for more information.
I was pleased to help ensure the completion of a new all-inclusive playground at the Orchard Park Community Center on California Road. These projects are so important to provide quality of life opportunities for all our residents.
If you have a county related issue, contact my office at 716-858-8850, or by email