It has been a long winter, but the days are getting longer and I am hopeful the worst is behind us. I know many of you got through the tough conditions with help from your natural gas appliances. I don’t believe the government should be so reliant on the grid for power, and I don’t think they should be telling you what kind of appliances you can have in your home. Natural gas stoves, fireplaces, and other appliances helped many of you survive. I sponsored a resolution opposing the Governor’s proposal to do away with fossil fuel appliances and am pleased to say it passed unanimously. I have started a petition opposing the ban. If you agree, you can find a link to that petition on my Legislator John Mills Facebook page Legislator John Mills | Buffalo NY | Facebook
I also introduced a local law that would provide property tax relief for volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers. We know how valuable they are to the community. That fact was highlighted during the blizzard, when so many answered the call to save others. This law recognizes their contributions and may also help with recruitment efforts. It provides tax exemptions of up to ten percent of the assessed value of the members’ primary residence. The member must have served a minimum of two years, and the eligible residential property must be located in the district where they serve. I am hoping it receives bi-partisan support.
Design work is underway for businesses awarded grant funding through the storefront revitalization program. This program provided grants of up to $40,000 for exterior façade improvements and upgrades to small business owners in Erie County. Actual construction work should begin by summer. A total of ten Orchard Park businesses were awarded grants, as well as businesses in Concord, Eden, Evans, North Collins, Springville and Sardinia.
The new stadium environmental review process has been completed, and we are inching closer to construction getting underway in Orchard Park. I have been proud to be a part of negotiations for the Community Benefits Agreement between the Bills, Erie County and New York State. It is important that the interests of this community which has supported the team since 1960 are respected. Considerable public funds are being spent on this project, and it is only right that this region reaps some benefit in the process. The talents of our residents and their work ethic need to be a part of this massive construction project. Stadium accessibility and how this deal will impact future generations must also be considered.
I would like to remind our senior citizens that you may be eligible for tax exemptions. The deadline to apply for those exemptions is March 1, 2023.
If you need assistance with any county matter, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office at (716) 858-8850 or by email, Thank you for the privilege of serving you.