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Legislator Lorigo May 2024 Bee column

A new proposed local law was quietly clocked in last week that should concern everyone in the tenth legislative district.  The law, introduced by Majority Leader Tim Meyers, seeks to put more power into the hands of fewer people.  For decades, authorizing the extension of the 1% and 0.75% sales and compensating use tax required either a super majority vote of the Erie County Legislature or a majority vote that would put a referendum before voters.  This new law would only require a simple majority vote of legislators to extend or even increase the sales tax.  It would also eliminate the requirement of a referendum.  This is a political power play pure and simple.  It is apparent the Democratic Caucus and the County Executive don’t want to have to work across the aisle to get things done for taxpayers. Historically, when the measure to extend the sales tax is put before the legislature, we negotiated by cutting spending and identifying savings elsewhere.  The result has been putting millions less on the county credit card and reducing debt.  By passing a law that requires only a simple majority vote of legislators to extend or increase taxes, it is apparent my colleagues on the other side of the aisle aren’t interested in putting the people of Erie County first.  They aren’t concerned with out-of-control spending, and they surely aren’t worried about the future of our county.  My colleagues and I in the Minority Caucus represent 33 municipalities.  The Democrat controlled legislature, and the Erie County Executive are seeking to silence those communities by introducing this law and trying to rush it through.

The municipal sales tax sharing agreement of 1977 is also at risk.  Currently towns, villages and school districts receive financial support through this sales tax revenue.  If this local law is passed, what is to stop the Majority Caucus legislators from changing the equation of how much each community receives.  Buffalo Mayor Byron Brown has already stated he believes the City of Buffalo should receive a greater share of sales tax revenue. Many of these legislators represent the city.  Will they also look to rework that agreement?  If so, that means other communities will receive less.

This is government at its absolute worst.  It’s disgusting.  The 33 municipalities represented by the Minority Caucus contribute millions of dollars in sales tax revenue.  Citizens of these communities own small businesses that employ our neighbors, and hundreds of thousands of Erie County residents call these communities home. The Majority Caucus and County Executive should not be granted absolute power.  But that is exactly what this local law aims to do.  I recommend reaching out to legislators April Baskin, Tim Meyers, Jeanne Vinal, Howard Johnson, Michael Kooshoian, John Gilmour and John Bargnesi to let them know how you feel.  Their phone and email contact information is on our website  Go to “Elected Officials,” and click on Erie County Legislature.    We are elected to serve you.  It seems some of my colleagues on the other side of the aisle have forgotten that.

If you have any county related issues, contact my office at (716) 858-8922 or email at




