The Erie County Legislature recently passed a bipartisan resolution calling on New York State to increase the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) funding. The New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways is asking for an increase of $250 million and I support their efforts. This money is crucial to helping maintain our roads, bridges and other infrastructure. As we know all too well here in Western New York, the freeze-thaw cycles and salting of roads take its toll, and in the interest of public safety, this program is crucial for road maintenance. While the cost of supplies and materials has increased significantly, the CHIPS funding has not. I represent eight towns and two villages, and these communities rely heavily on this funding. In addition, Erie County is responsible for 2,400 lane miles it owns, far more than any other county in New York State. This funding is necessary to address many issues.
I was concerned about the recent inmate uprising at Collins Correctional Facility that resulted in three corrections officers being injured. This is in addition to the eight officers being hurt at Wende Correctional Facility in Alden and two at Albion Correctional Facility. Forced double and triple shifts cannot continue. It is unsafe and unfair for the men and women in uniform. These facilities are understaffed and the officers overworked. The Governor and state lawmakers need to address these concerns.
As work continues to oppose putting wind turbines in our great lakes, news that the administration is pausing offshore wind developments is an encouraging sign. We are fortunate to live by two great lakes. They are our region’s greatest natural resource. We need to do all we can to protect them by rejecting these offshore wind projects. The wildlife habitats, the water quality, and simply the views of the lake are all at risk if these projects were to move forward.
I want to thank all the schools that participated in this year’s Valentines for Seniors. I delivered the special valentines to Aurora Adult Day services, as well as the senior centers of East Aurora, West Seneca, Elma and Concord. You brought a smile to their faces and warmed the hearts of everybody I met.
I want to congratulate all the well-deserving winners at this year’s 78th annual West Seneca Community Awards presented by the West Seneca Chamber of Commerce. We are fortunate to have so many wonderful businesses, not-for-profits and others who do great work in the community. It was also an honor to celebrate West Seneca’s own Sydney Sterlace, who finished third in this year’s The Voice competition. She serves as an inspiration for so many young people chasing their dreams.
If you have a county related issue, please contact my office at 716-858-8922 or by email at Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.