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Former Bookkeeper Pleads Guilty for Stealing More Than $162K from Williamsville Medical Office

Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn announces that 47-year-old Carrie Zielinski of Depew pleaded guilty this morning before State Supreme Court Justice Paul B. Wojtaszek to one count of Grand Larceny in the Second Degree (Class ā€œCā€ felony). The defendant pleaded guilty to the highest sustainable charge.

Between January 2019 and May 2023, the defendant, while working as an office manager and accountant for a medical office in Williamsville, stole more than $162,000 from her employer. The defendant committed the crime by stealing cash from the co-pays paid by patients. The theft was uncovered after another employee noticed a discrepancy in the documented cash co-pays compared to the amount of deposited cash. The defendant was subsequently fired from her position. 

As a condition of the plea, Zielinski signed Confessions of Judgment to pay the full restitution amount of $162,269.37 to the victim and their two insurance companies. 

Zielinski faces a maximum of 15 years in prison when she is sentenced on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. She was released on her own recognizance. 

DA Flynn commends the Amherst Police Department their work in this investigation. 

The case was prosecuted by Assistant District Attorney Brian P. Dassero of the Special Investigations and Prosecutions (SIP) Bureau.  
