The Erie County Legislature’s Republican Caucus is urging County residents to vote “no” on the Erie County proposition that revises the county charter, saying the measure would silence the people’s voice.
To extend the sales tax there are presently two options; a simple majority vote that sends it to a public referendum or pass the extension by super majority. This charter revision would take away the public referendum, giving voters no voice in their county government when it comes to sales tax. It also eliminates the super majority vote requirement, meaning most towns in Erie County won’t have any say in extending the sales tax.
“This is bad government. It removes people and their interests from the table. How can you disallow the public’s input in important decisions that impact them the most? Government’s goal should be to include them,” said Minority Leader John Mills. “Historically, by requiring a super majority vote, taxpayers have greatly benefited.”
In fact, just last year sales tax negotiations led to a reduction to the property tax levy, savings in home heating costs, saving taxpayers millions by lowering debt, and implementing a road plan. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle celebrated those results, even touting those successes in their campaigns.
Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz, while running for re-election, praised the final deal as a worthy compromise that would benefit taxpayers;
“This will ensure the fiscal stability of the county for years to come, while also offering substantial savings for our residents. I thank my partners at the legislature for working with my Administration in a cooperative manner that is in the best interest of our constituents,” said County Executive Poloncarz.
(Source: Buffalo News, July 20, 2023)
Legislature Chairperson April Baskin added;
“Despite growing discontent with politics across the nation, we’ve shown we can all work well together in Erie County.”
(Source, Buffalo News, July 20, 2023)
After praising the negotiations that led to both extending the sales tax while also providing relief for Erie County residents, County Executive Poloncarz now claims residents will lose services if this charter measure doesn’t pass. He is not being truthful, and he knows it. It’s a scare tactic. No services have been lost. In fact, residents have gained by having a supermajority vote and/or public referendum option. This revision eliminates public oversight and their ability to provide checks and balances. This is nothing more than a power grab, taking power away from the voter.
This is not a partisan issue. Democrats were the first to request a super majority vote or public referendum when Republicans gained control of both the Erie County Legislature and the County Executive’s office in the 1970s. Republicans agreed with them and supported the measure. It passed overwhelmingly, as voters recognized it was important they were properly represented in county government and should have a say.
Power shifts all the time. Both Republicans and Democrats have had control of the County Legislature this past decade. Of the eight County Executives, six have been Republican. People need to be aware that voting in favor of this charter change doesn’t end when this Administration ends, or when legislative control shifts back to another party. This measure literally takes voter rights away.
“To be clear, as it currently stands, a simple majority vote of the legislature to extend the sales tax would then send the measure to a public referendum. This charter change eliminates that referendum. There would no longer be a need for public approval. You are losing your rights. This revision, if passed, would mean a simple majority vote of the legislature could extend the sales tax. You lose your voice in county government,” said Legislator Chris Greene.
“The wording of this proposition on the ballot doesn’t tell the full story. You will be losing a right you already have. It restricts your involvement in government. That is contrary to the principles of democracy that make our country great. It is unconscionable that some legislators want to further limit your rights as an American,” said Legislator Frank Todaro.
“When the voice of taxpayers is silenced, democracy is undermined. In a county with nearly one million residents, diminishing the voices of most towns and stripping away voting rights is profoundly undemocratic. I strongly encourage voters to oppose the county proposal to amend the charter,” said Legislator Lindsay Lorigo.