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Legislator Todaro recognizes Catholic Schools Week in Erie County

Erie County Legislator Frank Todaro presented a proclamation to St. Mary’s Catholic School recognizing January 30-February 5 Catholic Schools Week in Erie County.

National Catholic Schools Week began in 1974 to celebrate and promote the value of Catholic education and its contributions to the church and community. St. Mary’s, located in the heart of Lancaster, has been a private school educating Catholic and non-Catholic students since 1837.

Legislator Todaro said, “There are many outstanding Catholic Schools in Erie County and we are fortunate to have St. Mary’s right here in Lancaster. Many fine students and staff members have come through these halls over the years and their hard work should be recognized. It was my pleasure to present a proclamation to Principal Kwitowski formally proclaiming January 30-February 5 Catholic Schools Week here in Erie County!”
