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Legislator Todaro Approves Village of Lancaster Sewer Improvement Funding

Erie County Legislator Frank Todaro has approved funding for a project in the Village of Lancaster, along Aurora St., that will disconnect the County storm drainage system from the Village sewer system. This project will reduce backups of the sanitary sewer system in the Village, particularly in the neighborhood between the village line and Como Park Blvd. Ultimately, this project will decrease the problems residents experience due to sewer backups and reduce the risk of damage to the Village’s sewer system.

Legislator Todaro said, “I’m very pleased to help facilitate this improvement to the Village’s sewer drainage system. My office has received many complaints from residents about issues caused by the overburdened system and this action will improve the quality of life for residents in that neighborhood.”

 The construction will occur at the intersection of Lancaster Ave. and Aurora St. as well as Briarwood Dr. and Aurora. 144 linear feet of pipe as well as three new catch basins will be installed. The County’s storm drainage system will be disconnected from the Village’s sewer system and reconnected to the Village’s storm drainage system. The authorized contract value for this project is $37,875.00 and is a reimbursement to the Village of Lancaster since Aurora St. is a county owned road. A link to the resolution can be viewed here.
