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                                           Republican caucus resolution passes in Erie County Legislature

The Erie County Legislature passed a resolution Thursday, January 19, 2023 in opposition to Governor Kathy Hochul’s proposed ban on natural gas heating and appliances.  By a vote of 11-0 Erie County lawmakers rejected Albany’s plan to end the sale of new fossil powered heating equipment by 2030, calling the idea reckless and dangerous.

“This proposal from the governor had disaster written all over it,” said Legislator Frank Todaro (8th District).  “This vote makes it clear.  Erie County residents want and need to have options when it comes to energy sources in their homes.  In many cases it can be a matter of life and death.”

Legislator Todaro spoke out about the proposed ban after Governor Kathy Hochul outlined her plans in her recent State of the State Address.  “This is a horrible idea,” said Legislator Todaro.  “It’s a reckless idea to force New Yorkers to ultimately rely on electric. In a region like ours where extreme weather patterns constantly lead to power outages, people won’t be able to keep themselves and loved ones safe.”

The Climate Action Council concluded in a recent report that regions with frequent cold or adverse weather conditions need more than one heating source.

“I’m glad the Erie County Legislature is sending a strong message to Albany.  Our dependence cannot be solely on electric.  The grid can’t handle it.  Our weather can’t handle it.  As we know that risks lives and livelihoods,” concluded Legislator Todaro.
