EC Real Property Tax Services Expands Online Information

Modified: June 2, 2016 4:30pm

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Payers of Property Tax on parcels to be listed; move to aid fight against zombie properties

ERIE COUNTY, NY— The Erie County Department of Real Property Tax Services has announced that new information is now available on the Department’s website to identify the individuals, banks, or agencies that have paid the property taxes on any given property in Erie County. In many cases around Erie County, banks or other large holding agencies pay the property tax on parcels they own but do nothing else with the property, letting it fall into disrepair and become a “zombie house” that drags down the property values of surrounding properties. With the new information available, neighbors and concerned residents living near suspected zombie properties will be able to learn who paid the property taxes on the house and who to address their concerns to.

“This information will assist property owners who pay their taxes and maintain their properties but are forced to live near a ‘zombie home’ to learn who owns that property,” said Director of the Erie County Real Property Tax Services Department Joseph Maciejewski. “Until now, there was no way for neighbors of a zombie property to know who paid the taxes on it, or who to contact as the house next door or down the street sat unused and falling apart. Large banks may pay the property tax on their housing holdings, but do nothing else to maintain or improve the property while seasons change and the building deteriorates. Now, residents will know who to contact when they see this happening.”

The new information is posted on the Erie County Real Property Tax Services website .