12/20/13: Poloncarz Announces Public Meeting on Fracking Local Law

Modified: January 23, 2015 3:09pm

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ERIE COUNTY, NY— Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz announced today that he will hold a public hearing on Monday, December 30, 2013 at 4:00 PM concerning the Local Law on Fracking & Fracking-related issues in Erie County. The hearing will be held in the 14th floor conference room, Room 1404, of the Edward A. Rath county office building, 95 Franklin Street, Buffalo NY.

The Erie County legislature adopted Erie County Local Law Intro. No. 4-1, a Local Law providing for the Banning of Hydraulic Fracturing on Land Owned by Erie County, Prohibiting the Storage, Disposal, or Treatment of Natural Gas Waste & Fracturing Fluids or Solids by Any Wastewater Treatment Facility Owned or Operated by Erie County, Prohibiting the Purchase or Acquisition of Such Materials by Erie County & Prohibiting the Application of Any of these Products to Construct or Maintain Any Road Owned or Maintained by Erie County on December 12, 2013. In accordance with the Erie County Charter §205, the County Executive must hold a public hearing on the local law before considering whether to approve or disprove of it. This hearing must be held by the County Executive within 30 days of being presented with a certified notice of the local law’s adoption by the legislature.