Modified: June 3, 2019 3:48pm

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Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz issued the following statement today after National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell spoke this morning and reiterated his desire to see a new stadium for the Buffalo Bills:


“Commissioner Goodell’s comments are the same thing he’s said for years now. It should be noted as Commissioner he is beholden to a group of 32 very wealthy team owners, including those with teams in many larger markets, with very different stadium situations in their communities than the Bills have here in Buffalo. His interest lies not with our community but with the owners that employ him and the highest level of profit he can deliver for them.  Many of these owners have placed heavy demands on their fan base and community as well, demands that could not be met in our smaller market. However, members of Bills’ Nation will at least be relieved to hear that Commissioner Goodell wants the Bills to be successful and competitive here in Buffalo.


We meet with the Bills regularly and will continue to do so to discuss all matters related to the stadium, including ensuring the security of the fans and maintenance of the current facility as well as what the future will bring. From our discussions I know Terry and Kim Pegula are committed to Buffalo and Erie County, and we are as fully committed as anyone to keeping the team here in a facility that works for all: the team and the community. Serious stadium negotiations will not commence until after the completion of the CAA Icon report, though we have had preliminary discussions on the matter. As with any negotiation, all options are on the table, including additional renovations or a retrofit of the current facility, and I look forward to representing Erie County when those negotiations commence.”




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